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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing C, 3E, G and 2S

CAENOGENESEScaenogeneses n. Plural of caenogenesis.
cænogeneses n. Plural of cænogenesis.
CAENOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage, also CENOGENESIS, KAINOGENESIS, KENOGENESIS.
CAENOGENESIScaenogenesis n. (Biology) The embryotic development of cross-species structures or characteristics.
cænogenesis n. Alternative spelling of caenogenesis.
CAENOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage, also CENOGENESIS, KAINOGENESIS, KENOGENESIS.
CAINOGENESEScainogeneses n. Plural of cainogenesis.
CAINOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage.
CHARGESHEETSchargesheets n. Plural of chargesheet.
CHARGESHEET n. a police document listing details of an accused person and the charges against him or her.
CLADOGENESEScladogeneses n. Plural of cladogenesis.
CLADOGENESIS n. the evolutionary change and diversification resulting from the branching off of new species from common ancestral lineages.
CYANOGENESEScyanogeneses n. Plural of cyanogenesis.
CYANOGENESIS n. the production of cyanide.
CYCLOGENESEScyclogeneses n. Plural of cyclogenesis.
CYCLOGENESIS n. the development or intensification of a cyclone.
DERECOGNISESderecognises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of derecognise.
DERECOGNISE v. to withdraw recognition from (esp. a trade union), also DERECOGNIZE.
GAUCHENESSESgauchenesses n. Plural of gaucheness.
GAUCHENESS n. the quality of being gauche.
GEGENSCHEINSgegenscheins n. Plural of gegenschein.
GEGENSCHEIN n. (German) a faint oval patch of light directly opposite the sun in the night sky, caused by reflection of sunlight by dust particles.
GLYCOGENESESglycogeneses n. Plural of glycogenesis.
GLYCOGENESIS n. the synthesis of glycogen.
MISCEGENATESmiscegenates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of miscegenate.
MISCEGENATE v. to practise miscegenation.
NEWSAGENCIESnewsagencies n. Plural of newsagency.
news␣agencies n. Plural of news agency.
NEWSAGENCY n. an agency that collects and distributes news.
NIGRESCENCESnigrescences n. Plural of nigrescence.
NIGRESCENCE n. blackness; dark colouring or pigmentation.
SCAVENGERIESSCAVENGERY n. the act of scavenging.
SUBMERGENCESsubmergences n. Plural of submergence.
SUBMERGENCE n. the act of submerging.
TURGESCENCESturgescences n. Plural of turgescence.
TURGESCENCE n. the act or process of swelling, also TURGESCENCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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