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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2C, I, L, M, N and S

ACCLAMATIONSacclamations n. Plural of acclamation.
ACCLAMATION n. a shout of approval.
ACCLIMATIONSacclimations n. Plural of acclimation.
ACCLIMATION n. the act of acclimating.
CHYLOMICRONSchylomicrons n. Plural of chylomicron.
CHYLOMICRON n. a tiny globule of fat, the form in which fat is carried in blood and chyle.
CLEROMANCIESCLEROMANCY n. divination using dice.
CLINDAMYCINSCLINDAMYCIN n. an antibiotic drug used for serious infections that do not respond to other antibiotics.
COMPLAISANCEcomplaisance n. The quality of being complaisant, amiable or agreeable.
COMPLAISANCE n. wishing to please or tending to comply with the wishes of others.
COMPLIANCIEScompliancies n. Plural of compliancy.
COMPLIANCY n. the state of being compliant, also COMPLIANCE.
COSMOGONICALcosmogonical adj. Of or pertaining to cosmogony.
COSMOGONICAL adj. relating to cosmogony, also COSMOGONAL, COSMOGONIC.
CRAMBOCLINKSCRAMBOCLINK n. (Scots) rhyming doggerel.
INCLEMENCIESinclemencies n. Plural of inclemency.
INCLEMENCY n. the quality of being inclement.
LUMINESCENCEluminescence n. (Physics) Any emission of light that cannot be attributed merely to the temperature of the emitting body.
LUMINESCENCE n. the emission of light by a substance as the result of some external stimulus.
MALEFICENCESmaleficences n. Plural of maleficence.
MALEFICENCE n. the act of committing harm or evil.
MALOCCLUSIONmalocclusion n. (Dentistry) A misalignment of the upper and lower sets of teeth.
MALOCCLUSION n. faulty contact between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed.
MELANCHOLICSmelancholics n. Plural of melancholic.
MELANCHOLIC n. one given to melancholy.
MICRONUCLEUSmicronucleus n. (Biology) A small nucleus.
micronucleus n. (Biology) The smaller of the nuclei of a ciliate protozoan (that contains genetic material).
MICRONUCLEUS n. a minute nucleus.
MISCHANCEFULmischanceful adj. Unlucky.
MISCHANCEFUL adj. (archaic) full of mischance, unlucky.
MULTISCIENCEmultiscience adj. Of or pertaining to more than one science.
MULTISCIENCE n. knowledge of many things.
NONCHEMICALSnonchemicals n. Plural of nonchemical.
NONCHEMICAL n. something that is not a chemical.
SCAPULIMANCYscapulimancy n. Divination using shoulder bones.
SCAPULIMANCY n. divination involving a shoulder blade which has been charred or cracked from a fire, also SCAPULOMANCY.
SEMICIRCLINGsemicircling v. Present participle of semicircle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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