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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 2C, 2I, M, N and U

CIRCUMCISINGcircumcising v. Present participle of circumcise.
CIRCUMCISE v. to cut off the foreskin of (a male) or the clitoris of (a female).
CIRCUMCISIONcircumcision n. The surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis.
circumcision n. The surgical removal of the clitoral hood of the clitoris; female circumcision.
circumcision n. (Often proscribed) The surgical removal of the clitoris; clitoridectomy, usually referred to as female…
CIRCUMDUCINGcircumducing v. Present participle of circumduce.
CIRCUMDUCE v. (Scots) to declare elapsed, as the time allowed for introducing evidence.
CIRCUMFUSINGcircumfusing v. Present participle of circumfuse.
CIRCUMFUSE v. to pour around or about.
CIRCUMFUSIONcircumfusion n. Diffusion, suffusion.
CIRCUMFUSION n. the act of circumfusing, pouring around.
CIRCUMMURINGcircummuring v. Present participle of circummure.
CIRCUMMURE v. (Shakespeare) to wall round.
CIRCUMPOSINGcircumposing v. Present participle of circumpose.
CIRCUMPOSE v. to place around.
COPERNICIUMSCOPERNICIUM n. a short-lived artificially produced radioactive element that has 112 protons.
COUNCILMANICcouncilmanic adj. Of or pertaining to a councilman or councilwoman; pertaining to a (municipal or other) councilor, particularly…
COUNCILMANIC adj. relating to a councilman.
ECUMENICISMSecumenicisms n. Plural of ecumenicism.
ECUMENICISM n. the doctrines and practice of the Christian ecumenical movement, also ECUMENICALISM.
ECUMENICISTSecumenicists n. Plural of ecumenicist.
ECUMENICIST n. a believer in ecumenicism.
INCOMUNICADOincomunicado adj. Alternative spelling of incommunicado.
INCOMUNICADO adj. (Spanish) without means of communication, also INCOMMUNICADO.
INCUMBENCIESincumbencies n. Plural of incumbency.
INCUMBENCY n. something that is incumbent.
MULTICENTRICmulticentric adj. That occurs in multiple centres at the same time.
MULTICENTRIC adj. having or proceeding from many centres, also MULTICENTRAL.
MULTISCIENCEmultiscience adj. Of or pertaining to more than one science.
MULTISCIENCE n. knowledge of many things.
MUNIFICENCESmunificences n. Plural of munificence.
MUNIFICENCE n. magnificent liberality in giving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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