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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing 2C, 2E, F, O and S

COEFFICIENTScoefficients n. Plural of coefficient.
coëfficients n. Plural of coëfficient.
COEFFICIENT n. any of the factors of a product considered in relation to a specific factor.
CONFERRENCESconferrences n. Plural of conferrence.
CONFERRENCE n. the act of conferring.
CONFIDENCIESCONFIDENCY n. a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances, also CONFIDENCE.
FLOCCULENCESFLOCCULENCE n. the state of being flocculent.
FLORESCENCESflorescences n. Plural of florescence.
FLORESCENCE n. the process of flowering or bursting into flower; the period of flowering.
FLUORESCENCEfluorescence n. (Physics) The emission of light (or other electromagnetic radiation) by a material when stimulated by…
fluorescence n. The light so emitted.
FLUORESCENCE n. visible light emitted from a material while it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, aka black light.
FORECHECKERSforecheckers n. Plural of forechecker.
FORECHECKER n. one who delivers a forecheck.
FRONDESCENCEfrondescence n. (Botany) The time at which a plant unfolds its leaves.
frondescence n. The act of bursting into leaf.
FRONDESCENCE n. the formation of leaves.
OMNIFICENCESOMNIFICENCE n. the state of being omnificent.
PROFICIENCESproficiences n. Plural of proficience.
PROFICIENCE n. the state of being proficient, also PROFICIENCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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