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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing C, L, M, N and 3O

COMMONHOLDScommonholds n. Plural of commonhold.
COMMONHOLD n. a freehold held in common by a number of owners.
COMMOTIONALcommotional adj. Associated with commotion.
commotional adj. Often causing commotion.
COMMOTIONAL adj. relating to commotion.
DEMONOLOGICdemonologic adj. Alternative form of demonological.
DEMONOLOGIC adj. relating to demonology, also DEMONOLOGICAL.
ENTOMOLOGICentomologic adj. Synonym of entomological.
ENTOMOLOGIC adj. related to entomology.
LOCOMOTIONSlocomotions n. Plural of locomotion.
LOCOMOTION n. an act or the power of moving from place to place.
MELOCOTOONSmelocotoons n. Plural of melocotoon.
MELOCOTOON n. (obsolete) a kind of large peach, also MALAKATOONE, MELICOTTON, MELOCOTON.
MONOCLINOUSmonoclinous adj. (Botany) bisexual.
MONOCLINOUS adj. having pistils and stamens in same flower.
MONOCLONALSmonoclonals n. Plural of monoclonal.
MONOCLONAL n. a monoclonal antibody.
MONOICOUSLYMONOICOUS adv. having separate male and female flowers on the same plant, also MONECIAN, MONECIOUS, MONOECIOUS.
MONOLOGICALmonological adj. Relating to a monologue.
MONOLOGICAL adj. relating to a monologue, also MONOLOGIC.
MONTICOLOUSmonticolous adj. (Zoology) Living on a mountain.
MONTICOLOUS adj. mountain-dwelling.
NOMOLOGICALnomological adj. (Philosophy) Pertaining to or expressing general laws that lack logical necessity.
NOMOLOGICAL adj. relating to nomology, the science of reasoning, also NOMOLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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