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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing C, I, L, 2N, R and S

BRANCHLINESbranchlines n. Plural of branchline.
branch␣lines n. Plural of branch line.
BRANCHLINE n. a secondary line, usually of a railroad.
CARNALISINGcarnalising v. Present participle of carnalise.
CARNALISE v. to sensualise, also CARNALIZE.
CENTERLINEScenterlines n. Plural of centerline.
CENTERLINE n. an often imaginary line that divides a body into two equal halves, also CENTRELINE.
CENTRELINEScentrelines n. Plural of centreline.
CENTRELINE n. an often imaginary line that divides a body into two equal halves, also CENTERLINE.
CRINGELINGScringelings n. Plural of cringeling.
CRINGELING n. a person who cringes.
CULINARIANSculinarians n. Plural of culinarian.
CULINARIAN n. a cook, chef.
ENCARNALISEencarnalise v. Alternative form of encarnalize.
ENCARNALISE v. to make carnal or sensual, also ENCARNALIZE.
ENSCROLLINGenscrolling v. Present participle of enscroll.
ENSCROLL v. to write on a scroll, also INSCROLL.
ENSORCELINGensorceling v. Present participle of ensorcel.
ENSORCEL v. to bewitch, also ENSORCELL.
INFLUENCERSinfluencers n. Plural of influencer.
INFLUENCER n. one who influences.
INSCROLLINGinscrolling v. Present participle of inscroll.
INSCROLL v. (Shakespeare) to write on a scroll, also ENSCROLL.
INSINCERELYinsincerely adv. In an insincere manner.
INSINCERE adv. not sincere.
INTERCENSALintercensal adj. Between censuses.
INTERCENSAL adj. occurring between censuses.
INTRINSICALintrinsical adj. Intrinsic.
INTRINSICAL adj. inward, internal, also INTRINSIC.
NONSURGICALnonsurgical adj. Being medical treatment that does not involve surgery, such as use of drugs or physical therapy.
NONSURGICAL adj. not surgical.
PRINCELINGSprincelings n. Plural of princeling.
PRINCELING n. a petty prince; a young prince, also PRINCEKIN, PRINCELET.
RECONSOLINGreconsoling v. Present participle of reconsole.
RECONSOLE v. to console again.
RELICENSINGrelicensing v. Present participle of relicense.
RELICENSE v. to license again.
SURCINGLINGsurcingling v. Present participle of surcingle.
SURCINGLE v. to fasten with a surcingle.
SYNCLINORIAsynclinoria n. Plural of synclinorium.
SYNCLINORIUM n. a great synclinal structure carrying minor flexures.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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