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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing C, I, 2L, N, S and Y

CONSOLINGLYconsolingly adv. In a consoling manner.
CONSOLING adv. CONSOLE, to comfort.
CRYSTALLINEcrystalline adj. Of, relating to, or composed of crystals.
crystalline adj. (Chemistry) Having a regular three-dimensional molecular structure.
crystalline adj. Resembling crystal in being clear and transparent.
ENCYCLICALSencyclicals n. Plural of encyclical.
ENCYCLICAL n. a letter sent by the pope to multiple bishops, also ENCYCLIC.
GNOSTICALLYgnostically adv. In a gnostic way.
GNOSTICAL adv. having knowledge, also GNOSTIC.
INCLUSIVELYinclusively adv. In an inclusive fashion.
inclusively adv. In a manner which includes every possibility.
INCLUSIVE adv. comprehensive; including everything.
LYRICALNESSlyricalness n. The quality of being lyrical.
LYRICALNESS n. the quality of being lyrical.
MASCULINELYmasculinely adv. In a masculine manner.
MASCULINE adv. male.
MASONICALLYmasonically adv. In a masonic way.
MASONIC adv. relating to freemasonry.
NONSYLLABICnonsyllabic adj. Not syllabic.
non-syllabic adj. Alternative form of nonsyllabic.
NONSYLLABIC n. a sound in speech that does not qualify as a syllable.
POLYCLINICSpolyclinics n. Plural of polyclinic.
POLYCLINIC n. a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated; esp. an institution in which clinical instruction is given in all kinds of disease.
SATANICALLYsatanically adv. In a satanic manner.
SATANICAL adv. devilish, also SATANIC.
SCAMBLINGLYscamblingly adv. With turbulence and noise.
scamblingly adv. Strugglingly.
scamblingly adv. With intrusive audaciousness.
SCRAWLINGLYscrawlingly adv. In a way that scrawls or scribbles.
SCRAWLING adv. of writing, hasty, illegible.
SECTIONALLYsectionally adv. In a sectional manner; in sections.
SECTIONAL adv. in sections.
SLOUCHINGLYslouchingly adv. With a slouching posture or motion.
SLOUCHING adv. SLOUCH, to sit, stand, or move with a drooping posture.
SYNODICALLYsynodically adv. In a synodical manner; in a synod; by the authority of a synod.
SYNODICAL adv. enacted or made by or at a synod, also SYNODIC.
UNMUSICALLYunmusically adv. In an unmusical way.
UNMUSICAL adv. not musical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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