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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing C, I, 2L, N, P and S

AMPICILLINSampicillins n. Plural of ampicillin.
AMPICILLIN n. an improved form of penicillin taken by mouth.
COLONELSHIPcolonelship n. The status or rank of a colonel; colonelcy.
COLONELSHIP n. the office of colonel.
DISCIPLINALdisciplinal adj. Relating to discipline, i.e. order and/or punishment.
DISCIPLINAL adj. relating to discipline.
ESCALLOPINGESCALLOP v. to bake in a scallop shell, also SCALLOP, SCOLLOP.
PENCILLINGSpencillings n. Plural of pencilling.
PENCILLING n. the art or act of painting, writing, sketching, or marking with a pencil, also PENCILING.
PENICILLINSpenicillins n. Plural of penicillin.
PENICILLIN n. any of a group of substances that stop the growth of bacteria, extracted from moulds, esp. from Penicillium notatum.
POLYCLINICSpolyclinics n. Plural of polyclinic.
POLYCLINIC n. a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated; esp. an institution in which clinical instruction is given in all kinds of disease.
PONTICELLOSPONTICELLO n. (Italian) the bridge of a stringed instrument.
RAPSCALLIONrapscallion n. (Archaic) A rascal, scamp, rogue, or scoundrel.
rapscallion adj. Disreputable, roguish.
RAPSCALLION n. a low, mean wretch, also RASCALLION.
SCALLOPINGSscallopings n. Plural of scalloping.
SCALLOPING n. the act of scalloping.
SCALLOPINISscallopinis n. Plural of scallopini.
SCALLOPINI n. (Italian) thin slices of meat coated with flour and fried.
SPANCELLINGspancelling v. Present participle of spancel.
SPANCEL v. to bind with a rope.
SPECIALLINGspecialling v. Present participle of special.
SPECIAL v. to sell at item at a reduced price.
SPLENETICALsplenetical adj. Alternative form of splenetic.
SPLENETICAL adj. marked by bad temper, malevolence or spite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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