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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing C, H, 2I, R, S and U

EUCHARISTICeucharistic adj. (Christianity) Pertaining to the Eucharist.
eucharistic adj. (Obsolete) Giving thanks; expressing thankfulness; rejoicing.
Eucharistic adj. Alternative letter-case form of eucharistic.
HARUSPICIESharuspicies n. (Rare) plural of haruspicy.
HARUSPICY n. divination by inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals.
HUDIBRASTIChudibrastic adj. Alternative spelling of Hudibrastic.
Hudibrastic adj. Of, or relating to a style of English verse that mocks heroic verse.
HUDIBRASTIC adj. boastful.
ISCHURETICSischuretics n. Plural of ischuretic.
ISCHURETIC n. a drug used to relieve ischuria.
PORCUPINISHporcupinish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a porcupine or its spines; defensive, prickly.
PORCUPINISH adj. like a porcupine.
SAURISCHIANsaurischian n. Any dinosaur of the order Saurischia.
saurischian adj. Characteristic of the dinosaurs of the order Saurischia.
SAURISCHIAN n. any dinosaur of the Saurischia.
SPHERULITICspherulitic adj. Of or relating to spherulite.
spherulitic adj. Containing spherulite.
SPHERULITIC adj. of or like a spherulite.
THIOURACILSthiouracils n. Plural of thiouracil.
THIOURACIL n. a derivative of thiourea that interferes with the production of thyroid hormones.
TRISTICHOUStristichous adj. (Botany) Arranged in three vertical rows.
TRISTICHOUS adj. in or having three rows.
ULOTRICHIESULOTRICHY n. the state of being woolly-haired.
UNCHARITIESuncharities n. Plural of uncharity.
UNCHARITY n. uncharitableness.
UNCHRISTIANunchristian adj. Not of the Christian faith.
unchristian adj. Not in accord with Christian principles; without Christian spirit; unbefitting a Christian.
un-Christian adj. Rare spelling of unchristian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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