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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing C, G, 2I, O, P and S

COMPLISHINGcomplishing v. Present participle of complish.
COMPLISH v. to accomplish.
COMPOSITINGcompositing v. Present participle of composite.
compositing n. Construction of a composite image by combining multiple images and/or other elements.
COMPOSITE v. to complete from diverse elements.
COSCRIPTINGcoscripting v. Present participle of coscript.
COSCRIPT v. to collaborate in writing a script.
EPIGENOMICSepigenomics n. (Biology) The study of the effects of chromatin structure on the function of the included genes.
EPILOGISTICepilogistic adj. Of or pertaining to epilogue; of the nature of an epilogue.
EPILOGISTIC adj. of or like an epilog, also EPILOGIC.
GEOPOLITICSgeopolitics n. The study of the effects of geography (especially economic geography) on international politics.
GEOPOLITICS n. the study of the relationship between the geographical situation and the politics of a nation.
GLYCOLIPIDSglycolipids n. Plural of glycolipid.
GLYCOLIPID n. a lipid that contains a carbohydrate radical.
HAGIOSCOPIChagioscopic adj. Relating to a hagioscope.
HAGIOSCOPIC adj. relating to a hagioscope.
KINESCOPINGkinescoping v. Present participle of kinescope.
KINESCOPE v. to make a kinescope.
LIPOSUCKINGliposucking v. Present participle of liposuck.
LIPOSUCK v. to subject to liposuction.
OVERSPICINGoverspicing v. Present participle of overspice.
OVERSPICE v. to spice excessively.
PHYSIOLOGICphysiologic adj. Of or pertaining to physiology.
PHYSIOLOGIC adj. relating to physiology, also PHYSIOLOGICAL.
PICHICIAGOSpichiciagos n. Plural of pichiciago.
PICHICIAGO n. (Spanish) a fairy armadillo, esp. the lesser or pink fairy armadillo, also PICHICIEGO.
PICHICIEGOSpichiciegos n. Plural of pichiciego.
PICHICIEGO n. (Spanish) a fairy armadillo, esp. the lesser or pink fairy armadillo, also PICHICIAGO.
POETICISINGpoeticising v. Present participle of poeticise.
POETICISE v. to write, speak, or treat, poetically, also POETICIZE.
POIGNANCIESpoignancies n. Plural of poignancy.
POIGNANCY n. the state of being poignant, also POIGNANCE.
PRECONISINGpreconising v. Present participle of preconise.
PRECONISE v. to proclaim; to summon publicly; (of the Pope) to proclaim and ratify the election of as bishop, also PRECONIZE.
PROSCRIBINGproscribing v. Present participle of proscribe.
PROSCRIBE v. to forbid, esp. by law.
STOCKPILINGstockpiling v. Present participle of stockpile.
stockpiling n. The process of building up a stockpile.
STOCKPILING n. the creation of a reserve supply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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