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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing C, F, G, I, L, O and S

CALCIFUGOUScalcifugous adj. Synonym of calcifugal.
CALCIFUGOUS adj. like a calcifuge, a plant that will not tolerate limy soil, also CALCIFUGAL.
CONFUSINGLYconfusingly adv. In a confusing manner.
CONFUSING adv. CONFUSE, to mix up mentally.
FLUORESCINGfluorescing v. Present participle of fluoresce.
FLUORESCE v. to demonstrate fluorescence.
FORECLOSINGforeclosing v. Present participle of foreclose.
foreclosing n. An act of foreclosure.
FORECLOSE v. to bar (a right of redemption); to take away the power of redeeming (a mortgage).
FORSLACKINGforslacking v. Present participle of forslack.
FORSLACK v. to be slack, also FORESLACK.
FUGACIOUSLYfugaciously adv. In a fugacious way.
FUGACIOUS adv. lasting a short time, evanescent.
GOLDFINCHESgoldfinches n. Plural of goldfinch.
GOLDFINCH n. a small gold-coloured bird of the finch family.
SCAFFOLDINGscaffolding n. A temporary modular system of tubes (or formerly wood) forming a framework used to support people and…
scaffolding n. (Programming) Source code etc. that is incomplete and serves as a basis for further development.
scaffolding n. (Figurative) Any framework or support.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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