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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing C, 2E, H, I, T and Y

CHEMITYPIESCHEMITYPY n. printing by chemitype, any chemical process for obtaining impressions from an engraving.
CHESSYLITESCHESSYLITE n. a basic carbonate of copper, vivid blue in colour.
DYOTHELETICDYOTHELETIC adj. relating to dyotheletism, the doctrine that Christ on earth had two wills, human and divine, also DYOTHELITIC.
EMPHYTEUTICemphyteutic adj. (Law) Of, pertaining to, or subject to emphyteusis.
EMPHYTEUTIC adj. relating to emphyteusis, perpetual but conditional lease of property.
EPITHYMETICepithymetic adj. Relating to desire.
EPITHYMETIC adj. of or pertaining to desire.
ERYTHEMATICerythematic adj. (Medicine, dated) Characterized by, or causing, a morbid redness of the skin; relating to erythema.
ERYTHEMATIC adj. relating to erythema, redness of the skin.
EURYTHERMICeurythermic adj. Synonym of eurythermal.
EURYTHERMIC adj. tolerating a wide range of temperature, also EURYTHERMAL, EURYTHERMOUS.
HERETICALLYheretically adv. In a heretical way, or to a heretical extent.
HERETICAL adv. like a heretic, also HERETIC.
HERMETICITYhermeticity n. The condition of being hermetic (airtight).
HERMETICITY n. the state of being hermetic.
HETEROLYTICheterolytic adj. Of or pertaining to heterolysis.
HETEROLYTIC adj. relating to heterolysis.
HETEROTYPICheterotypic adj. Of or involving a different type or types.
heterotypic adj. (Genetics) Relating to the first nuclear division in meiosis.
HETEROTYPIC adj. denoting or relating to the first nuclear division of meiosis, in which the chromosome number is halved, also HETEROTYPICAL.
HYPERACTIVEhyperactive adj. Having an increased state of activity.
hyperactive adj. Having attention deficit disorder (no longer used by the scientific community).
HYPERACTIVE adj. affected with or exhibiting hyperactivity.
HYPEREMETIChyperemetic adj. Of or relating to hyperemesis.
HYPEREMETIC adj. causing hyperemesis, excessive vomiting.
HYPERMETRIChypermetric adj. Having or relating to any syllables that are in a line beyond what the meter calls for.
hypermetric adj. Larger than normally measured.
HYPERMETRIC adj. above average height.
HYPESTHESIChypesthesic adj. Alternative form of hypoesthesic.
HYPESTHESIC adj. showing hypesthesia, a reduced sensibility to touch.
SYNESTHETICsynesthetic adj. Alternative spelling of synaesthetic.
SYNESTHETIC adj. relating to synesthesia, also SYNAESTHETIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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