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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing C, 2E, 2H, O and R

BREECHCLOTHbreechcloth n. An apron-like garment held on by a belt tied around the waist to cover the loins; a loincloth.
breech-cloth n. Alternative spelling of breechcloth.
BREECHCLOTH n. a loincloth.
CHEMOSPHEREchemosphere n. The region of the Earth’s atmosphere (from 20 to 120 miles above the surface) in which photochemical…
CHEMOSPHERE n. the thermosphere, the outermost layer of the atmosphere.
CHOKECHERRYchokecherry n. Any of several American wild cherry trees, especially Prunus virginiana.
chokecherry n. The fruit of this plant.
CHOKECHERRY n. an astringent American cherry.
CHOWDERHEADchowderhead n. (US, informal, derogatory) An idiot; a dummy.
chowder-head n. Alternative spelling of chowderhead.
chowder␣head n. Alternative spelling of chowderhead.
HAEMACHROMEhaemachrome n. Hematin.
HAEMACHROME n. a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen, also HEMACHROME.
HAEMOCHROMEhaemochrome n. Alternative form of haemachrome.
HAEMOCHROME n. a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen, also HEMOCHROME.
HELIOCHROMEheliochrome n. (Obsolete) A photograph representing an object in its natural colours.
HELIOCHROME n. (tradename) a photograph in natural colours.
HEMACHROMESHEMACHROME n. a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen, also HAEMACHROME.
HEMOCHROMEShemochromes n. Plural of hemochrome.
HEMOCHROME n. a blood pigment, such as haemoglobin, that carries oxygen, also HAEMOCHROME.
HENCHPERSONhenchperson n. A loyal follower or supporter of an individual or group.
HENCHPERSON n. a henchman or henchwoman.
HOMESTRETCHhomestretch n. Alternative form of home stretch.
home␣stretch n. The final part of a racecourse from the last curve to the finish line.
home␣stretch n. (Figurative, by extension) The final part of a distance or the final effort needed to finish.
HYDROTHECAEhydrothecae n. Plural of hydrotheca.
HYDROTHECA n. the horny cup of a hydranth.
RHINOTHECAERHINOTHECA n. the sheath of the upper mandible of a bird.
THENCEFORTHthenceforth adv. From that time on.
THENCEFORTH adv. from that time forward.
WHENCEFORTHwhenceforth adv. (Formal) From which place, time, or point forth; forth from which; onward from which.
whenceforth adv. (Formal, interrogative) Forth from what place, time, or point; onward from what place, time, or point.
WHENCEFORTH adv. (Spenser) whence.
WHICHSOEVERwhichsoever det. Emphatic form of whichever.
whichsoever pron. Emphatic form of whichever.
WHICHSOEVER adj. every one that.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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