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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing C, 3E, I, L and M

CEILOMETERSceilometers n. Plural of ceilometer.
CEILOMETER n. an instrument for measuring height of cloud ceiling above earth.
CLEMENTINESclementines n. Plural of clementine.
CLEMENTINE n. (French) a hybrid of orange and tangerine.
CREMAILLEREcrémaillère n. An indented or zigzagging line of entrenchment used in fortification.
CREMAILLERE n. (French) a zigzag line of fortification.
EMOLLIENCESemolliences n. Plural of emollience.
EMOLLIENCE n. the state of being emollient.
IMPERCEABLEIMPERCEABLE adj. (Spenser) not pierceable.
MALEFICENCEmaleficence n. Harmfulness or mischief.
MALEFICENCE n. the act of committing harm or evil.
MANTELPIECEmantelpiece n. A shelf that is affixed to the wall above a fireplace.
MANTELPIECE n. a mantel with its side elements.
MENINGOCELEmeningocele n. (Pathology) A form of spina bifida in which a meningeal sac of cerebrospinal fluid protrudes through the skull.
MENINGOCELE n. protrusion of the meninges through the skull.
MICRONEEDLEmicroneedle n. A very fine needle.
microneedle n. A microinjector.
MICRONEEDLE n. a very fine needle used in micromanipulation.
PIECEMEALEDpiecemealed adj. Divided into pieces.
PIECEMEAL v. to divide or distribute piecemeal.
VELOCIMETERvelocimeter n. A device used to measure the velocity of something, such as an object or a wave.
VELOCIMETER n. an instrument for measuring velocity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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