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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing 2C, L, N, O, P and S

CICLOSPORINciclosporin n. (Pharmacology) An immunosuppressive drug C62H111N11O12 that is a cyclic polypeptide obtained as a metabolite…
CICLOSPORIN n. an immunosuppressive polypeptide drug.
COLONOSCOPEcolonoscope n. A flexible fibreoptic endoscope used to examine the colon and obtain tissue samples.
COLONOSCOPE n. a flexible viewing instrument passed into the colon through the anus.
COLONOSCOPYcolonoscopy n. (Medicine) The examination of the colon using a colonoscope.
COLONOSCOPY n. examination of the inside of the colon using a colonoscope, a flexible viewing instrument passed into the colon through the anus.
COMPLIANCEScompliances n. Plural of compliance.
COMPLIANCE n. the act of complying, also COMPLIANCY.
CONDISCIPLEcondisciple n. A fellow disciple.
condisciple n. A fellow student.
CONDISCIPLE n. a fellow disciple.
CORPULENCEScorpulences n. Plural of corpulence.
CORPULENCE n. the state of being corpulent, also CORPULENCY.
CYCLOSPORINcyclosporin n. Alternative form of ciclosporin.
CYCLOSPORIN n. an immunosuppressant drug used in organ transplants, also CYCLOSPORINE.
LYCHNOSCOPElychnoscope n. (Architecture) A low side window in a church.
LYCHNOSCOPE n. a low side window.
OPALESCENCEopalescence n. The state of being opalescent.
opalescence n. (Physics) the milky iridescent appearance of a dense transparent medium when it is illuminated by polychromatic…
OPALESCENCE n. a milky iridescence.
POLYCLINICSpolyclinics n. Plural of polyclinic.
POLYCLINIC n. a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated; esp. an institution in which clinical instruction is given in all kinds of disease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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