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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2C, I, N, P, S and T

ACCOMPANISTaccompanist n. (Music) The performer in music who takes the accompanying part.
ACCOMPANIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANYIST.
CAPTAINCIEScaptaincies n. Plural of captaincy.
CAPTAINCY n. the rank or condition of a captain, also CAPTAINRY.
CAPTIVANCEScaptivances n. Plural of captivance.
CAPTIVANCE n. (Spenser) captivity, also CAPTIVAUNCE.
CATAPHONICScataphonics n. Synonym of catacoustics.
CATAPHONICS n. the area of the science of acoustics that deals with echoes or reflected sounds.
CHECKPOINTScheckpoints n. Plural of checkpoint.
CHECKPOINT n. a point at which a check is performed.
COMPACTIONScompactions n. Plural of compaction.
COMPACTION n. the act of compacting.
CONCEPTIONSconceptions n. Plural of conception.
CONCEPTION n. the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both.
CONCEPTIOUSconceptious adj. (Obsolete) Apt to conceive; fruitful.
CONCEPTIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) fruitful.
CONSCRIPTEDconscripted v. Simple past tense and past participle of conscript.
CONSCRIPT v. to enlist compulsorily.
CONSPICUITYconspicuity n. The property of being clearly discernible.
conspicuity n. The state or quality of being clear or bright; brightness; conspicuousness.
CONSPICUITY n. the state of being conspicuous.
COSCRIPTINGcoscripting v. Present participle of coscript.
COSCRIPT v. to collaborate in writing a script.
CUCKOOPINTScuckoopints n. Plural of cuckoopint.
cuckoo␣pints n. Plural of cuckoo pint.
CUCKOOPINT n. an arum with erect spathe and short purple spadix.
NOCICEPTORSnociceptors n. Plural of nociceptor.
NOCICEPTOR n. a receptor sensitive to pain, also NOCIRECEPTOR.
OCCUPATIONSoccupations n. Plural of occupation.
OCCUPATION n. an activity in which one engages.
PANTOSCOPICpantoscopic adj. (Optics) Designed to focus on both near and distant objects at the same time, typically by means of…
PANTOSCOPIC adj. of or like a pantoscope, a panoramic camera.
PICNICKIESTPICNICKY adj. like a picnic.
PRACTICIANSpracticians n. Plural of practician.
PRACTICIAN n. a practiser or practitioner.
PRECONCEITSpreconceits n. Plural of preconceit.
PRECONCEIT v. (obsolete) to preconceive; to form a preconceit or preconception.
SPHINCTERICsphincteric adj. Sphincteral.
SPHINCTERIC adj. relating to the sphincter, also SPHINCTERAL, SPHINCTERIAL.
SYCOPHANTICsycophantic adj. Obsequious, flattering, toadying. In other words, eager to please.
SYCOPHANTIC adj. of or like a sycophant, also SYCOPHANTICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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