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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing 2C, E, 2I and 2T

ACCEPTIVITYacceptivity n. The quality of being acceptive.
ACCEPTIVITY n. the state of being acceptive, ready to receive.
CATECHISTICcatechistic adj. Pertaining to a catechism.
CATECHISTIC adj. relating to catechism, also CATECHISTICAL.
CENTIMETRICcentimetric adj. Measured in centimetres.
centimetric adj. Having dimensions in the order of centimetres.
CENTIMETRIC adj. having a wavelength between one and ten centimetres.
CERTIFICATEcertificate n. A document containing a certified statement.
certificate n. A document evidencing ownership or debt.
certificate n. (Education) A document serving as evidence that a person has completed an educational course, issued…
CRITICASTERcriticaster n. A petty or charlatan critic.
CRITICASTER n. an inferior or petty critic.
CYTOKINETICcytokinetic adj. Of or pertaining to cytokinesis or to cytokinetics.
CYTOKINETIC adj. relating to cytokinesis, division of the cytoplasm of a cell.
DICTATRICESdictatrices n. Plural of dictatrix.
DICTATRIX n. a female dictator, also DICTATRESS.
ELECTRICITYelectricity n. Originally, a property of amber and certain other nonconducting substances to attract lightweight material…
electricity n. (Physics) The study of electrical phenomena; the branch of science dealing with such phenomena.
electricity n. A feeling of excitement; a thrill.
FACTICITIESfacticities n. Plural of facticity.
FACTICITY n. the quality of being a fact.
FETICHISTICfetichistic adj. Dated form of fetishistic.
FETICHISTIC adj. relating to or exhibiting fetichism, devotion to or reverence for a fetish or fetishes.
FETTUCCINISfettuccinis n. Plural of fettuccini.
FETTUCCINI n. a pasta made in long ribbons.
HELIOTACTICheliotactic adj. Relating to heliotaxis.
HELIOTACTIC adj. relating to heliotaxis, the response of an organism to the sun's rays.
ORECCHIETTIORECCHIETTE n. pasta in the form of small oval ears.
PERITECTICSperitectics n. Plural of peritectic.
PERITECTIC n. a temperature at which a melting reaction takes place.
SCIENTISTICscientistic adj. Of, pertaining to, advocating, or acting in accordance with scientism.
SCIENTISTIC adj. like a scientist.
TACTICITIEStacticities n. Plural of tacticity.
TACTICITY n. the stereochemical arrangement of units in the main chain of a polymer.
TECHNICISTStechnicists n. Plural of technicist.
TECHNICIST n. one skilled in technics or in one or more of the practical arts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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