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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2C, 2E, P and 2S

CENOSPECIEScenospecies n. Alternative form of coenospecies.
CENOSPECIES n. a species that can interbreed, also COENOSPECIES.
CHESSPIECESchesspieces n. Plural of chesspiece.
chess-pieces n. Plural of chess-piece.
chess␣pieces n. Plural of chess piece.
CONCEPTUSESconceptuses n. Plural of conceptus.
CONCEPTUS n. (Latin) the products of conception.
COPRESENCEScopresences n. Plural of copresence.
COPRESENCE n. presence together.
CREPUSCULEScrepuscules n. Plural of crepuscule.
CREPUSCULE n. twilight, the fading light at the end of the day, also CREPUSCLE.
CROSSPIECEScrosspieces n. Plural of crosspiece.
CROSSPIECE n. a piece of material of any kind crossing another.
CYBERSPACEScyberspaces n. Plural of cyberspace.
CYBERSPACE n. the virtual world of computers.
PRESCIENCESpresciences n. Plural of prescience.
PRESCIENCE n. knowledge of events before they take place.
PUBESCENCESpubescences n. Plural of pubescence.
PUBESCENCE n. the state of being pubescent.
SCAPEGRACESscapegraces n. Plural of scapegrace.
SCAPEGRACE n. an incorrigible rascal.
SPECIOCIDESSPECIOCIDE n. the destruction of an entire species.
SPELLCHECKSspellchecks n. Plural of spellcheck.
spellchecks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spellcheck.
spell-checks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spell-check.
SPINESCENCEspinescence n. (Botany) The quality of being spinescent.
SPINESCENCE n. the quality of being spiny.
SPUMESCENCEspumescence n. (Obsolete) The state or characteristic of being foamy or frothy.
SPUMESCENCE n. foaminess, frothiness.
SUSCEPTANCEsusceptance n. (Physics) the imaginary component of the admittance of an alternating current circuit.
SUSCEPTANCE n. the imaginary part of the admittance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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