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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2C, 2E, L, O and U

BREECHCLOUTbreechclout n. (Dated) A breechcloth or loincloth.
BREECHCLOUT n. a loincloth.
CHUCKLESOMEchucklesome adj. Causing chuckles; humorous.
CHUCKLESOME adj. full of chuckles.
COCOUNSELEDcocounseled v. Simple past tense and past participle of cocounsel.
COCOUNSEL v. to counsel jointly.
CONFLUENCESconfluences n. Plural of confluence.
CONFLUENCE n. a coming or flowing together.
CORPULENCEScorpulences n. Plural of corpulence.
CORPULENCE n. the state of being corpulent, also CORPULENCY.
ELECTROCUTEelectrocute v. (Transitive) To kill by electric shock.
electrocute v. (Transitive) To execute by electric shock, often by means of an electric chair.
electrocute v. (Transitive, proscribed, informal) To inflict a severe electric shock (not necessarily fatal) upon.
ENDOCUTICLEendocuticle n. (Biology) The inner, elastic layer of the cuticle of an insect.
ENDOCUTICLE n. the inner layer of the cuticle of an insect.
EXOCUTICLESexocuticles n. Plural of exocuticle.
EXOCUTICLE n. the middle layer of an insect's cuticle.
FLOCCULENCEflocculence n. The condition of being flocculent; wooliness, flakiness.
FLOCCULENCE n. the state of being flocculent.
LEUCODERMICleucodermic adj. White-skinned, Caucasian; pale.
LEUCODERMIC adj. relating to leucoderma, a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMAL, LEUKODERMAL.
OECUMENICALoecumenical adj. Alternative spelling of ecumenical.
œcumenical adj. Alternative spelling of ecumenical.
OECUMENICAL adj. general; universal; in ecclesiastical usage, that which concerns the whole church, also ECUMENIC, ECUMENICAL, OECUMENIC.
ULCEROGENICulcerogenic adj. That causes ulcers.
ULCEROGENIC adj. tending to produce or develop into ulcers or ulceration.
UNCOALESCEDuncoalesced adj. Not coalesced.
uncoalesced v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncoalesce.
UNCOALESCE v. to disintegrate, come apart.
UNCOALESCESuncoalesces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncoalesce.
UNCOALESCE v. to disintegrate, come apart.
UNCOLLECTEDuncollected adj. (Not comparable) Not collected or gathered.
uncollected adj. Absent in mind; not having one’s thoughts collected.
UNCOLLECTED adj. not collected.
UNCONCEALEDunconcealed adj. Open to view; not hidden or concealed.
UNCONCEALED adj. not concealed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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