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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing C, M, 2O, 2R and S

BROOMCORNSbroomcorns n. Plural of broomcorn.
broom␣corns n. Plural of broom corn.
BROOMCORN n. a kind of millet of whose stalks brooms are made.
COMFORTERScomforters n. Plural of comforter.
COMFORTER n. one who comforts.
COMPRADORScompradors n. Plural of comprador.
COMPRADOR n. (Portuguese) a native agent or intermediary through whom a foreign power trades, also COMPRADORE.
COMPRESSORcompressor n. A device that produces pressure, such as a gas compressor that produces pressurized gas.
compressor n. A device that squeezes (compresses).
compressor n. (Audio) A device that reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal.
CONFIRMORSconfirmors n. Plural of confirmor.
CONFIRMOR n. one who confirms, also CONFIRMER.
CONFORMERSconformers n. Plural of conformer.
CONFORMER n. one who conforms.
CORMORANTScormorants n. Plural of cormorant.
CORMORANT n. a shiny black webfooted seabird.
COURTROOMScourtrooms n. Plural of courtroom.
court␣rooms n. Plural of court room.
COURTROOM n. a room in a courthouse in which lawsuits and criminal cases are heard.
MACROSPOREmacrospore n. One of the specially large spores of certain flowerless plants, as Selaginella, etc.
MACROSPORE n. a spore giving rise to a female gametophyte.
MICROFORMSmicroforms n. Plural of microform.
MICROFORM n. a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
MICROMORTSmicromorts n. Plural of micromort.
MICROMORT n. a unit of risk equal to a one in a million chance of dying.
MICROPORESmicropores n. Plural of micropore.
MICROPORE n. a very small pore.
MICROSPOREmicrospore n. (Botany) The smaller of the two spores produced by plants; compare megaspore.
microspore n. (Zoology) One of the numerous tiny spore-like elements produced through the encystment and subdivision of many monads.
MICROSPORE n. a spore giving rise to a male gametophyte.
OVERCOMERSovercomers n. Plural of overcomer.
OVERCOMER n. one who overcomes.
POROMERICSporomerics n. Plural of poromeric.
POROMERIC n. a poromeric substance.
RECOMFORTSrecomforts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recomfort.
RECOMFORT v. (archaic) to comfort, console.
UROCHROMESurochromes n. Plural of urochrome.
UROCHROME n. an amorphous yellow pigment found in urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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