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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing C, L, M, O, S, T and U

CALAMITOUScalamitous adj. Concerning or involving calamity, disastrous.
CALAMITOUS adj. disastrous.
CAMOUFLETScamouflets n. Plural of camouflet.
CAMOUFLET n. (French) a mine used to destroy an underground enemy emplacement.
COLOSTRUMScolostrums n. Plural of colostrum.
COLOSTRUM n. (Latin) milk secreted for a few days after parturition, characterised by high protein and antibody content.
COLUMBATEScolumbates n. Plural of columbate.
COLUMBATE n. a salt of columbic acid; a niobate.
COLUMBITEScolumbites n. Plural of columbite.
COLUMBITE n. a mineral, niobate and tantalate of iron and manganese, aka niobite.
COLUMNISTScolumnists n. Plural of columnist.
COLUMNIST n. one who writes a newspaper column.
COMATULIDScomatulids n. Plural of comatulid.
COMATULID n. a type of crinoid, aka feather star, also COMATULA.
CUSTOMABLEcustomable adj. (Obsolete) customary.
customable adj. (Obsolete) Subject to the payment of customs; dutiable.
CUSTOMABLE adj. (archaic) customary, common.
LEUCOTOMESleucotomes n. Plural of leucotome.
LEUCOTOME n. a needle used to carry out a leucotomy, also LEUKOTOME.
METICULOUSmeticulous adj. Characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details.
meticulous adj. (Archaic) Timid, fearful, overly cautious.
METICULOUS adj. marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details.
MONTICULESmonticules n. Plural of monticule.
MONTICULE n. (French) a secondary volcanic cone.
MONTICULUSmonticulus n. A little elevation.
MONTICULUS n. a little hill, also MONTICLE.
MUCOLYTICSmucolytics n. Plural of mucolytic.
MUCOLYTIC n. an agent that is able to break down mucus.
OCCULTISMSoccultisms n. Plural of occultism.
OCCULTISM n. the study of the occult.
OUTMUSCLEDoutmuscled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outmuscle.
outmuscled adj. Overcome by superior strength.
OUTMUSCLE v. to surpass in muscle-power.
OUTMUSCLESoutmuscles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outmuscle.
OUTMUSCLE v. to surpass in muscle-power.
SCLEROTIUMsclerotium n. (Mycology) A compact mass of hardened mycelium stored with reserve food material that, in some higher…
SCLEROTIUM n. a hardened body formed by certain fungi, such as by the Claviceps purpurea, which produces ergot.
STOMACHFULstomachful n. Enough to fill one’s stomach.
stomachful n. As much as one can stomach.
stomachful adj. (Obsolete) sullen; obstinate; perverse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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