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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing C, I, O, R and 3T

ATTRACTIONattraction n. The tendency to attract.
attraction n. The feeling of being attracted.
attraction n. (Countable) An event, location, or business that has a tendency to draw interest from visitors, and…
CORNETTISTcornettist n. A musician who plays the cornett.
CORNETTIST n. one who plays the cornet, also CORNETIST.
PROTOCTISTprotoctist n. Any of several unicellular protists of the kingdom Protista (formerly Protoctista).
protoctist adj. Of or pertaining to these organisms.
PROTOCTIST n. any unicellular or simple multicellular organism belonging to the kingdom Protoctista, which includes protozoans, algae, and slime moulds.
STITCHWORTstitchwort n. A kind of chickweed, Rabelera holostea.
STITCHWORT n. any plant of the chickweed genus Stellaria.
TETRATOMICtetratomic adj. (Chemistry, of a molecule etc.) Consisting of four atoms.
TETRATOMIC adj. consisting of four atoms; having four atoms in the molecule, as phosphorus and arsenic.
TRICOLETTEtricolette n. A knitted fabric of silk or rayon.
TRICOLETTE n. a silk or rayon knitted fabric.
TRICOSTATEtricostate adj. Having three ribs.
TRICOSTATE adj. three-ribbed; having three ribs from the base.
TROCTOLITEtroctolite n. (Geology) A rare type of ultramafic intrusive rock, consisting primarily of olivine and calcic plagioclase.
TROCTOLITE n. a coarse-grained basic igneous rock composed of feldspar speckled with olivine, aka troutstone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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