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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing C, I, 2N, S and 2T

ANCIENTESTancientest adj. Superlative form of ancient: most ancient.
ANCIENT adj. very old, also ANTIENT.
CENTONISTScentonists n. Plural of centonist.
CENTONIST n. one who composes centos, poems manufactured by putting together passages of other poems, also CENTOIST.
CONSISTENTconsistent adj. Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature.
consistent adj. Compatible, accordant.
consistent adj. (Logic) Of a set of statements: such that no contradiction logically follows from them.
CONSTATINGconstating v. Present participle of constate.
CONSTATE v. to assert.
CONSTRAINTconstraint n. Something that constrains; a restriction.
constraint n. An irresistible force or compulsion.
constraint n. The repression of one’s feelings.
CONTESTINGcontesting v. Present participle of contest.
CONTEST v. to compete for.
CONTINENTScontinents n. Plural of continent.
Continents n. Plural of Continent.
CONTINENT n. a vast landmass not broken up by seas.
COSENTIENTcosentient adj. Perceiving together.
COSENTIENT adj. perceiving together.
DISCONTENTdiscontent n. (Uncountable) Dissatisfaction.
discontent n. (Uncountable) A longing for better times or circumstances.
discontent n. (Countable) A discontented person; a malcontent.
INCONSTANTinconstant adj. Not constant; wavering.
inconstant adj. Unfaithful to a lover.
INCONSTANT adj. not constant, also UNCONSTANT.
INCRUSTANTincrustant adj. Tending to leave an incrustation on a boiler or other container when the containing water evaporates.
incrustant n. Any substance that is dissolved in water which forms an incrustation when the water evaporates.
INCRUSTANT n. something tending to incrust.
INDISTINCTindistinct adj. (Of an image etc) not clearly defined or not having a sharp outline; faint or dim.
indistinct adj. (Of a thought, idea etc) hazy or vague.
indistinct adj. (Of speech) difficult to understand through being muffled or slurred.
INFECTANTSinfectants n. Plural of infectant.
INFECTANT n. a thing that infects or causes infection.
INJECTANTSinjectants n. Plural of injectant.
INJECTANT n. a substance that is injected into something.
INTACTNESSintactness n. The condition of being intact.
INTACTNESS n. the state of being intact.
MISCONTENTmiscontent adj. (Obsolete) discontent.
miscontent v. (Obsolete, transitive) discontent.
MISCONTENT v. (archaic) to discontent.
NICTATIONSnictations n. Plural of nictation.
NICTATION n. the act of winking, also NICTITATION.
NYCTINASTYnyctinasty n. (Botany) The movement of leaves or petals in response to darkness; the closing of a flower at night.
NYCTINASTY n. sleep-movement in plants, e.g. the closing of petals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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