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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing C, 3I, M and 2S

BIBLICISMSbiblicisms n. Plural of biblicism.
BIBLICISM n. learning or literature relating to the Bible.
CICISBEISMcicisbeism n. The state or conduct of a cicisbeo.
CICISBEISM n. the state or conduct of a cicisbeo.
CRITICISMScriticisms n. Plural of criticism.
CRITICISM n. the act of criticising.
DICLINISMSDICLINISM n. the state of having two stamens and pistils, also DICLINY.
IRENICISMSirenicisms n. Plural of irenicism.
IRENICISM n. the process of creating peace.
ISOSEISMICisoseismic adj. Isoseismal.
ISOSEISMIC n. a line connecting points of same earthquake intensity, also ISOSEISMAL.
SEISMICITYseismicity n. (Geology) A measure or a degree of how seismic a region is or how prone it is to earthquakes.
SEISMICITY n. the degree of vulnerability to earthquakes.
SIMPLISTICsimplistic adj. Overly simple.
simplistic adj. In a manner that simplifies a concept or issue so that its nuance and complexity are lost or important…
SIMPLISTIC adj. tending to oversimplify.
TRITICISMSTRITICISM n. a trite remark.
VICTIMISESvictimises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of victimise.
VICTIMISE v. to make a victim of, also VICTIMIZE.
WITTICISMSwitticisms n. Plural of witticism.
WITTICISM n. a witty remark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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