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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing C, G, 2I, 2S and T

AGONISTICSagonistics n. The range of activities associated with aggressive encounters between members of the same species, including…
AGONISTICS n. (archaic) the art and theory of prizefighting.
ANGLICISTSAnglicists n. Plural of Anglicist.
ANGLICIST n. a person with a scholarly knowledge of the English language, also ANGLIST.
ANGLISTICSAnglistics n. Synonym of English studies.
ANGLISTICS n. the study of English idioms or culture.
CHASTISINGchastising v. Present participle of chastise.
CHASTISE v. to discipline by punishment.
CONSISTINGconsisting v. Present participle of consist.
CONSIST v. to be composed of.
DIGASTRICSdigastrics n. Plural of digastric.
DIGASTRIC n. a muscle of the lower jaw.
DISSECTINGdissecting v. Present participle of dissect.
dissecting n. A dissection; a taking apart.
DISSECTING n. the act of taking apart.
GNEISSITICGNEISSITIC adj. of or like gneiss, also GNEISSIC.
GNOSTICISMgnosticism n. Alternative form of Gnosticism.
Gnosticism n. A wide variety of Jewish and early Christian sects having an interest in gnosis, or divine knowledge…
GNOSTICISM n. the belief that freedom derives solely from knowledge.
GOTHICISESGothicises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Gothicise.
GOTHICISE v. to make Gothic, also GOTHICIZE.
GOTHICISMSGothicisms n. Plural of Gothicism.
GOTHICISM n. the quality of being gothic, characterized by gloom and the grotesque.
MISCASTINGmiscasting v. Present participle of miscast.
MISCAST v. to cast in an unsuitable role.
SAGACITIESsagacities n. Plural of sagacity.
SAGACITY n. wisdom.
STICKLINGSSTICKLING n. making objections.
STIGMATICSstigmatics n. Plural of stigmatic.
STIGMATIC n. a person who bears a stigma.
STITCHINGSstitchings n. Plural of stitching.
STITCHING n. the act of stitching.
SWITCHINGSswitchings n. Plural of switching.
SWITCHING n. a beating with a flexible rod.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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