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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing C, F, I, L, O, R and S

CAPRIFOILScaprifoils n. Plural of caprifoil.
CAPRIFOIL n. (Spenser) honeysuckle, also CAPRIFOLE.
CAPRIFOLEScaprifoles n. Plural of caprifole.
CAPRIFOLE n. honeysuckle, also CAPRIFOIL.
CORNFIELDScornfields n. Plural of cornfield.
CORNFIELD n. a field in which corn is growing.
CROSSFIELDcrossfield adj. (Soccer) Passed from one side of the pitch to the other.
Crossfield prop.n. A surname.
Crossfield prop.n. A town in Rocky View County, Alberta, Canada.
DISCORDFULdiscordful adj. (Rare) Full of discord; contentious, quarrelsome.
DISCORDFUL adj. (Spenser) full of discord.
FACTORIALSfactorials n. Plural of factorial.
FACTORIAL n. the product of a series of factors; specifically the product of an integer and all lower integers.
FALCONRIESfalconries n. Plural of falconry.
FALCONRY n. the sport of hunting with falcons.
FLORICANESfloricanes n. Plural of floricane.
FLORICANE n. the fruiting stem of a plant.
FLORISTICSfloristics n. (Botany) The scientific study of the distribution of plants, especially on the regional level.
FLORISTICS n. the study of the numerical distributions of plants.
FORINSECALforinsecal adj. (Obsolete) foreign; alien.
FORINSECAL adj. (obsolete) foreign, alien, extrinsic.
FORTALICESfortalices n. Plural of fortalice.
FORTALICE n. (historical) a fortress; a small outwork of a fortification.
FRANCOLINSfrancolins n. Plural of francolin.
FRANCOLIN n. (French) a bird of the Francolinus genus of partridges.
FROLICKERSfrolickers n. Plural of frolicker.
FROLICKER n. one who frolics.
FROLICSOMEfrolicsome adj. Characterised or marked by frolicking; playful.
FROLICSOME adj. given to pranks; sportive.
INFLECTORSinflectors n. Plural of inflector.
INFLECTOR n. one who inflects.
INFLICTORSinflictors n. Plural of inflictor.
INFLICTOR n. one who inflicts, also INFLICTER.
LUCIFEROUSluciferous adj. Illuminating; providing light.
luciferous adj. (Figurative) Illuminating; offering insight.
LUCIFEROUS adj. light-bringing; light-giving.
MICROFILMSmicrofilms n. Plural of microfilm.
microfilms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of microfilm.
MICROFILM v. to make a microfilm copy of, a photographic film with one or more very small images of printed or other graphic matter.
SOLFATARICsolfataric adj. Pertaining to or characterized by a solfatara.
SOLFATARIC adj. relating to a solfatara, a volcanic vent emitting only gases.
VARIFOCALSvarifocals n. Spectacles having varifocal lenses.
VARIFOCAL n. of spectacles, having differing focal lengths.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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