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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing C, E, I, P and 3S

CAPSULISEScapsulises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of capsulise.
CAPSULISE v. to condense, to enclose in a capsule, also CAPSULIZE.
CASHSPIELScashspiels n. Plural of cashspiel.
CASHSPIEL n. (Canadian) a bonspiel in which curlers compete for cash prizes.
CRISPINESScrispiness n. The state of being crispy.
CRISPINESS n. the state of being crispy.
ECLIPSISESECLIPSIS n. a figure of syntax.
PRINCESSESprincesses n. Plural of princess.
PRINCESS n. a non-reigning female member of a royal family.
PUISSANCESpuissances n. Plural of puissance.
Puissances n. Plural of Puissance. (Alternative letter-case form of puissances.)
PUISSANCE n. (archaic) power, also PUISSAUNCE.
SCRIMPNESSscrimpness n. The state of being scrimp.
SCRIMPNESS n. the state of being scrimpy, scantness, also SCRIMPINESS.
SKIASCOPESskiascopes n. Plural of skiascope.
SKIASCOPE n. a medical instrument for examining the eye to detect errors of refraction.
SPACESHIPSspaceships n. Plural of spaceship.
space␣ships n. Plural of space ship.
SPACESHIP n. a spacecraft.
SPACESUITSspacesuits n. Plural of spacesuit.
space␣suits n. Plural of space suit.
SPACESUIT n. a protective suit worn by astronauts.
SPECIESISMspeciesism n. (Philosophy, ethics) An ethical stance that assigns different worth or rights to beings on the basis…
species-ism n. Alternative form of speciesism.
SPECIESISM n. prejudice in favour of one's own species.
SPECIESISTspeciesist n. A proponent of speciesism.
speciesist adj. Of or relating to speciesism.
SPECIESIST n. one who is prejudiced on behalf on his own species.
SUBSPECIESsubspecies n. (Taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below species.
subspecies n. (Taxonomy) A taxon at that rank, often indicated with trinomial nomenclature (such as Felis silvestris…
subspecies n. A subdivision of a species in other scientific disciplines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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