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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing C, E, I, N, 2P and T

APPRENTICEapprentice n. A trainee, especially in a skilled trade.
apprentice n. (Historical) One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement to serve a tradesperson, or other…
apprentice n. (Dated) One not well versed in a subject; a tyro or newbie.
EPISCOPANTepiscopant n. (Christianity, obsolete) A bishop.
EPISCOPANT n. (Milton) a holder of a bishopric.
PENTAPODICPENTAPODIC adj. relating to pentapody, a measure of five feet.
PERCEPTIONperception n. The organisation, identification and interpretation of sensory information.
perception n. Conscious understanding of something.
perception n. Vision (ability).
PERCIPIENTpercipient adj. Having the ability to perceive, especially to perceive quickly.
percipient adj. (Psychology, education, dated) Perceiving events only in the moment, without reflection, as a very young child.
percipient n. (Philosophy, psychology) One who perceives something.
PHENOTYPICphenotypic adj. Of, or relating to a phenotype.
PHENOTYPIC adj. relating to a phenotype, also PHENOTYPICAL.
PITCHPINESpitchpines n. Plural of pitchpine.
pitch␣pines n. Plural of pitch pine.
PITCHPINE n. a kind of pine tree.
PRECIPITINprecipitin n. Any antibody that reacts with an antigen to form a precipitate.
PRECIPITIN n. antibody that reacts with an antigen to cause a precipitate.
PRINCIPATEprincipate n. (Historical) The early period of the Roman Empire, during which some characteristics of the government…
principate n. The office of one who is principal or preeminent (such as a prince); the quality or status of being…
principate n. A state ruled by a prince; a principality.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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