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There are 15 ten-letter words containing C, E, F, N, 2O and R

COFOUNDERScofounders n. Plural of cofounder.
co-founders n. Plural of co-founder.
COFOUNDER n. one who founds something in collaboration with another.
CONEFLOWERconeflower n. Any of several similar flowering plants of tribe Heliantheae in order Asterales, in genera Dracopis…
coneflower n. Any of certain species of genus Isopogon, in order Proteales, principally of temperate Australia.
cone-flower n. Alternative spelling of coneflower.
CONFERVOIDconfervoid adj. Resembling conferva algae.
CONFERVOID adj. relating the confervae, freshwater algae.
CONFERVOID n. a freshwater alga.
CONFESSORSconfessors n. Plural of confessor.
CONFESSOR n. one who hears confession.
CONFITEORSconfiteors n. Plural of confiteor.
Confiteors n. Plural of Confiteor.
CONFITEOR n. (Latin) a prayer of confession of sins.
CONFORMERSconformers n. Plural of conformer.
CONFORMER n. one who conforms.
CONFOUNDERconfounder n. A person who confounds.
confounder n. (Mathematics) A factor, in data analysis, that causes the effects of two distinct processes to be indistinguishable;…
CONFOUNDER n. one who confounds.
CONFRONTEDconfronted v. Simple past tense and past participle of confront.
CONFRONT v. to face defiantly.
CONFRONTERconfronter n. Someone who or something which confronts.
CONFRONTER n. one who confronts.
CONIFEROUSconiferous adj. Bearing cones, as the pine and cypress.
coniferous adj. Of, or pertaining to, a conifer.
CONIFEROUS adj. bearing cones.
CORNFLOWERcornflower n. A small annual plant in the family Asteraceae, Centaurea cyanus, usually with bushy blue flowers which…
cornflower n. A plant of the species Cichorium intybus.
cornflower n. Cornflower blue.
CORYNEFORMcoryneform n. Any bacterium of the genus Corynebacterium.
coryneform n. Bacteria resembling such bacterium, having irregularly shaped, non-spore-forming, aerobic, gram-positive rods.
CORYNEFORM adj. virgate, rod-shaped.
DOWNFORCESdownforces n. Plural of downforce.
DOWNFORCE n. an aerodynamically caused downward force in a car, which improves its roadholding.
FORECHOSENforechosen adj. Chosen beforehand.
FORECHOSEN adj. chosen beforehand.
OCEANFRONToceanfront adj. Of property or real estate: adjacent to the ocean.
oceanfront n. A property that is adjacent to the ocean.
oceanfront n. The side of a property that faces the ocean.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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