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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing C, 3E, L, N and P

CINEPLEXEScineplexes n. Plural of cineplex.
CINEPLEX n. a multiple cinema complex.
ELECAMPANEelecampane n. A tall Eurasian herb, Inula helenium, whose roots have been used medicinally.
ELECAMPANE n. a composite plant formerly much cultivated for its medicinal root, also ALYCOMPAINE.
KENSPECKLEkenspeckle adj. (Scotland, northern Britain) Easily recognized, distinctive, conspicuous.
KENSPECKLE adj. (Scots) obvious, conspicuous, also KENSPECK.
PENONCELLEPENONCELLE n. (French) a small flag like a pennon, also PENNONCEL, PENNONCELLE, PENONCEL.
PERCENTILEpercentile n. (Statistics) Any of the ninety-nine points that divide an ordered distribution into one hundred parts…
percentile n. (Statistics) Any one of the hundred groups so divided.
PERCENTILE n. the value below which falls a large number of statistical units e.g. exam scores.
PESTILENCEpestilence n. Any epidemic disease that is highly contagious, infectious, virulent and devastating.
pestilence n. (Archaic) Anything harmful to morals or public order.
Pestilence prop.n. The personification of pestilence, often depicted riding a white horse.
PRECLEANEDprecleaned adj. Cleaned in advance.
PRECLEAN v. to clean beforehand.
PREVALENCEprevalence n. The quality or condition of being prevalent; wide extension or spread.
prevalence n. (Epidemiology) The total number of cases of a disease in a given statistical population at a given time…
PREVALENCE n. the state of being prevalent, also PREVALENCY.
REPELLANCEREPELLANCE n. the act of repelling, also REPELLANCY.
REPELLENCErepellence n. Alternative form of repellency.
REPELLENCE n. the principle of repulsion, also REPELLENCY.
REPELLENCYrepellency n. The ability to repel; the characteristic of repelling.
REPELLENCY n. the principle of repulsion, also REPELLENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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