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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing C, D, I, L, R, S and T

CARTELISEDcartelised v. Simple past tense and past participle of cartelise.
CARTELISE v. to make into a cartel, also CARTELIZE.
CLITORIDESclitorides n. Plural of clitoris.
CLITORIS n. a small erectile part of the female genitals in mammals and some other vertebrates.
CLOISTEREDcloistered adj. Dwelling or raised in, or as if in, cloisters; solitary.
cloistered adj. Isolated, protected, hidden away for the sake of maintaining innocence.
cloistered adj. Naive, lacking in worldliness.
CLOSTRIDIAclostridia n. Plural of clostridium.
Clostridia prop.n. A taxonomic class within the phylum Firmicutes – clostridium and related bacteria.
CLOSTRIDIUM n. any of a genus of spore-forming mostly anaerobic soil or intestinal bacteria.
CREDITLESScreditless adj. Without credit (financially).
CREDITLESS adj. without credit.
DECALITERSdecaliters n. Plural of decaliter.
DECALITER n. a cubic volume of ten liters, also DECALITRE, DEKALITER, DEKALITRE.
DECALITRESdecalitres n. Plural of decalitre.
DECALITRE n. a cubic volume of ten liters, also DECALITER, DEKALITER, DEKALITRE.
DECILITERSdeciliters n. Plural of deciliter.
DECILITER n. one tenth of a liter, also DECILITRE.
DECILITRESdecilitres n. Plural of decilitre.
DECILITRE n. one tenth of a liter, also DECILITER.
DISCREETLYdiscreetly adv. Acting in a discreet manner; acting in a way that respects privacy or secrecy; quietly.
discreetly adv. Inconspicuously.
DISCREET adv. tactful.
DISCRETELYdiscretely adv. As a separate independent unit.
DISCRETE adv. separate, distinct.
DRILLSTOCKdrillstock n. The part of a drill that holds the shank of the bit.
DRILLSTOCK n. the part of a machine tool that holds the shank of a drill or bit, aka chuck.
ELECTRISEDelectrised v. Simple past tense and past participle of electrise.
ELECTRISE v. to make electric, also ELECTRIZE.
TRANSLUCIDtranslucid adj. Translucent.
TRANSLUCID adj. translucent, also TRANSLUCENT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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