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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing C, D, H, N, O, R and S

ARACHNOIDSarachnoids n. Plural of arachnoid.
ARACHNOID n. the arachnoid membrane, a fine delicate membrane which is the middle of the three meninges enveloping the brain and spinal cord.
CARDPHONEScardphones n. Plural of cardphone.
CARDPHONE n. a public telephone from which calls are made using a prepaid plastic card.
CHANCROIDSchancroids n. Plural of chancroid.
CHANCROID n. a type of venereal sore.
CHLORDANESchlordanes n. Plural of chlordane.
CHLORDANE n. a highly poisonous liquid insecticide, also CHLORDAN.
CHONDRITESchondrites n. Plural of chondrite.
CHONDRITE n. a meteoric stone characterized by the presence of chondrules.
CHONDRITISchondritis n. (Pathology) inflammation of the cartilage.
CHONDRITIS n. an inflammation of cartilage.
CHONDROMASchondromas n. Plural of chondroma.
CHONDROMA n. a benign cartilaginous growth.
CHONDRULESchondrules n. Plural of chondrule.
CHONDRULE n. a spheroidal mineral grain embedded in a meteorite, also CHONDRE.
CHUNDEROUSchunderous adj. (Australia, slang) sickening; nauseating.
CHUNDEROUS adj. nauseating.
DICHONDRASdichondras n. Plural of dichondra.
DICHONDRA n. a genus of tropical perennial herbs of the morning glory family.
DISANCHORSdisanchors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disanchor.
DISANCHOR v. to raise the anchor, as of a ship.
MONOCHORDSmonochords n. Plural of monochord.
MONOCHORD n. a musical instrument having only one string.
MONORCHIDSmonorchids n. Plural of monorchid.
MONORCHID n. someone with only one testicle.
NOTOCHORDSnotochords n. Plural of notochord.
NOTOCHORD n. a backbone-like series of cells in the lowest vertebrates.
PHONECARDSphonecards n. Plural of phonecard.
phone␣cards n. Plural of phone card.
PHONECARD n. a card used to make phone calls.
ROCKHOUNDSrockhounds n. Plural of rockhound.
rock␣hounds n. Plural of rock hound.
ROCKHOUND n. a person interested in rocks and minerals.
SCHERZANDOscherzando adv. (Music) In a playful or sportive manner.
scherzando n. (Music) A piece of music to be played in a playful or sportive manner.
SCHERZANDO adv. (Italian) in a playful or sportive manner.
UNSCORCHEDunscorched adj. Not scorched.
UNSCORCHED adj. not scorched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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