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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing C, D, E, H, P, R and S

BEECHDROPSbeechdrops n. Epifagus virginiana or Epifagus americana, a parasitic plant which grows on the roots of beech trees.
BEECHDROPS n. an American plant like a broomrape, parasitic on beech roots.
CARDPHONEScardphones n. Plural of cardphone.
CARDPHONE n. a public telephone from which calls are made using a prepaid plastic card.
CRISPHEADScrispheads n. Plural of crisphead.
CRISPHEAD n. a variety of lettuce.
CUPHOLDERScupholders n. Plural of cupholder.
cup␣holders n. Plural of cup holder.
CUPHOLDER n. a device for holding a plastic cup or other drinking container.
DESPATCHERdespatcher n. Alternative form of dispatcher.
DESPATCHER n. one who despatches, also DISPATCHER.
DISPATCHERdispatcher n. Agent noun of dispatch; one who dispatches.
dispatcher n. In a transportation organization, a person who controls the movements of vehicles.
dispatcher n. (Computing) A piece of software responsible for assigning priorities and resources to tasks waiting to be scheduled.
HARDSCAPEShardscapes n. Plural of hardscape.
HARDSCAPE n. in the practice of landscaping, the built environment including paved areas like streets and sidewalks, structures, walls etc.
HYDROSCOPEhydroscope n. A device for viewing objects below the surface of the water.
hydroscope n. (Historical) A kind of water clock consisting of a cylindrical graduated tube, from which the water…
HYDROSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing under water.
HYDROSPACEhydrospace n. That part of the Earth, or other planet, that lies below the surface of its lakes, seas and oceans…
HYDROSPACE n. the regions beneath the oceans' surface.
PACHYDERMSpachyderms n. Plural of pachyderm.
PACHYDERM n. a thick-skinned quadruped, esp. an elephant, a hippopotamus, or a rhinoceros.
PEDORTHICSpedorthics n. The medicinal branch of modifying footwear and employing supportive devices to address conditions which…
PHONECARDSphonecards n. Plural of phonecard.
phone␣cards n. Plural of phone card.
PHONECARD n. a card used to make phone calls.
SEPULCHREDsepulchred v. Simple past tense and past participle of sepulchre.
SEPULCHRE v. to bury in a sepulchre, also SEPULCHER.
SPITCHEREDSPITCHER v. (slang) to be doomed.
SPRAUCHLEDsprauchled v. Simple past tense and past participle of sprauchle.
SPRAUCHLE v. (Scots) to clamber, also SPRACKLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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