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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing C, D, 3E and 2S

CREEKSIDEScreeksides n. Plural of creekside.
CREEKSIDE n. the area at the side of a creek.
DECASTERESdecasteres n. Plural of decastere.
DECASTERE n. a measure of capacity, equal to ten steres, or ten cubic meters.
DECENTNESSdecentness n. The state or quality of being decent.
DECENTNESS n. the state of being decent.
DECISTERESdecisteres n. Plural of decistere.
DECISTERE n. one tenth of a stere or cubic meter.
DEMOSCENESdemoscenes n. Plural of demoscene.
demo␣scenes n. Plural of demo scene.
DEMOSCENE n. a computer art subculture that specializes in producing demos.
DESCENDERSdescenders n. Plural of descender.
DESCENDER n. the part of the lowercase letters, such as g, p, and q, that extends below the other lowercase letters.
DESECRATESdesecrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of desecrate.
DESECRATE v. to make no longer consecrated.
DESINENCESdesinences n. Plural of desinence.
DESINENCE n. an ending or termination, especially the terminal inflection of a word.
DESISTENCEdesistence n. The act of desisting, especially desisting from criminal activity.
DESISTENCE n. the act or state of desisting, also DESISTANCE.
METECDYSESMETECDYSIS n. the period following the moult (ecdysis) of an arthropod, when the new cuticle is forming.
REDESCENDSredescends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of redescend.
REDESCEND v. to descend again.
RESIDENCESresidences n. Plural of residence.
RESIDENCE n. a place where one lives, also RESIANCE, RESIDENCY.
SCLEREIDESsclereides n. Plural of sclereide.
SCLEREIDE n. a thick-walled plant cell, also SCLEREID.
SIDEPIECESsidepieces n. Plural of sidepiece.
side␣pieces n. Plural of side piece.
SIDEPIECE n. the jamb, or cheek, of an opening in a wall, as of door or window.
SUCCEEDERSsucceeders n. Plural of succeeder.
SUCCEEDER n. a successor.
SUPERCEDESsupercedes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of supercede: misspelling of supersedes.
SUPERCEDE v. to take the place of, also SUPERSEDE.
UNESSENCEDunessenced adj. Not perfumed with essence.
UNESSENCE v. to deprive of essence or being.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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