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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing 2C, N, 2O and 2S

COCOUNSELScocounsels n. Plural of cocounsel.
COCOUNSEL n. a joint counsel.
COENOSARCScoenosarcs n. Plural of coenosarc.
COENOSARC n. the common soft tissue which unites the polyps of a compound hydroid.
CONCESSIONconcession n. The act of conceding.
concession n. An act of conceding, particularly…
concession n. A gift freely given or act freely made as a token of respect or to curry favor.
CONCISIONSconcisions n. Plural of concision.
CONCISION n. schism; separation.
CONCOURSESconcourses n. Plural of concourse.
CONCOURS n. (French) a competition, a contest.
CONCUSSIONconcussion n. A violent collision or shock.
concussion n. (Uncountable in Commonwealth, countable in North America) An injury to part of the body, most especially…
concussion n. (Obsolete, law, civil law) The unlawful forcing of another by threats of violence to yield up something of value.
OCCLUSIONSocclusions n. Plural of occlusion.
OCCLUSION n. the closing of an opening, passage or cavity.
SCONCHEONSsconcheons n. Plural of sconcheon.
SCONCHEON n. the inner part of a door jamb or window frame, also SCOINSON, SCONTION, SCUNCHEON.
SNOCOACHESSNOCOACH n. a bus-like vehicle with large tyres or tracks for travelling on snow, also SNOWCOACH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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