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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing 2C, E, N, P, R and T

CONTRECOUPcontrecoup n. (Pathology) A bruising of the brain caused by a blow, appearing on the opposite side to that on which…
CONTRECOUP n. (French) an injury, esp. to the brain within the skull, resulting from a blow on the side opposite to it.
ENCOPRETICencopretic adj. (Medicine) Relating to, or exhibiting, encopresis.
ENCOPRETIC adj. relating to encopresis, the involuntary discharge of faeces.
NOCICEPTORnociceptor n. (Anatomy) A sensory receptor that sends signals that cause the perception of pain in response to a potentially…
NOCICEPTOR n. a receptor sensitive to pain, also NOCIRECEPTOR.
PANCREATICpancreatic adj. Of or pertaining to the pancreas.
PANCREATIC adj. of or pertaining to the pancreas.
PERCOCTINGPERCOCT v. to cook thoroughly.
PRECONCEITpreconceit n. (Obsolete) An opinion or notion formed beforehand; a preconception.
PRECONCEIT v. (obsolete) to preconceive; to form a preconceit or preconception.
PRECONCERTpreconcert adj. Occurring before or in preparation for a concert.
preconcert n. Something concerted or arranged beforehand; a previous agreement.
preconcert v. To concert or arrange beforehand; to settle by previous agreement.
PRECONTACTprecontact adj. Describing a period before contact was established (especially with an indigenous people).
PRECONTACT n. prior contact.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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