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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2C, 2E, 2I and N

BIOSCIENCEbioscience n. Any of several sciences that deal with living organisms.
BIOSCIENCE n. any one of the biological sciences.
DEFICIENCEdeficience n. (Obsolete) Deficiency.
DEFICIENCE n. a lack, shortage, also DEFICIENCY.
DEFICIENCYdeficiency n. (Uncountable) Inadequacy or incompleteness.
deficiency n. (Countable) An insufficiency, especially of something essential to health.
deficiency n. (Geometry) The amount by which the number of double points on a curve is short of the maximum for curves…
EFFICIENCEefficience n. Archaic form of efficiency.
EFFICIENCE n. (archaic) efficiency, also EFFICIENCY.
EFFICIENCYefficiency n. The extent to which time is well used for the intended task.
efficiency n. (Dated) The quality of producing an effect or effects.
efficiency n. The extent to which a resource is used for the intended purpose; the ratio of useful work to energy expended.
INCIDENCESincidences n. Plural of incidence.
INCIDENCE n. the frequency of an event.
INCIPIENCEincipience n. A beginning, or first stage.
INCIPIENCE n. a beginning; an incipient state, also INCIPIENCY.
INSCIENCESINSCIENCE n. want of knowledge; ignorance.
RECIPIENCErecipience n. The ability to receive; receptivity.
RECIPIENCE n. the state of being recipient, also RECIPIENCY.
RECIPIENCYrecipiency n. Recipience.
RECIPIENCY n. the state of being recipient, also RECIPIENCE.
TECHNICISETECHNICISE v. to render technical or technological, also TECHNICIZE.
TECHNICIZETECHNICIZE v. to render technical or technological, also TECHNICISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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