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There are 18 words containing C, I, O, U and 2V

ANTICONVULSIVEanticonvulsive adj. (Pharmacology) Acting against or serving to prevent convulsions.
anticonvulsive n. (Pharmacology) Any anticonvulsant drug.
ANTICONVULSIVE n. an anticonvulsant drug.
ANTICONVULSIVESanticonvulsives n. Plural of anticonvulsive.
ANTICONVULSIVE n. an anticonvulsant drug.
CIRCUMVOLVEcircumvolve v. (Intransitive) To revolve or move around something.
circumvolve v. (Transitive) To roll round; to cause to revolve; to put into a circular motion.
CIRCUMVOLVE v. to roll round.
CIRCUMVOLVEDcircumvolved v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumvolve.
CIRCUMVOLVE v. to roll round.
CIRCUMVOLVEScircumvolves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumvolve.
CIRCUMVOLVE v. to roll round.
CIRCUMVOLVINGcircumvolving v. Present participle of circumvolve.
CIRCUMVOLVE v. to roll round.
CONVOLVULIconvolvuli n. Plural of convolvulus.
CONVOLVULUS n. (Latin) a genus of climbing plants.
CONVULSIVEconvulsive adj. Marked by or having the nature of convulsions.
convulsive adj. Having or producing convulsions.
CONVULSIVE adj. constituting or producing a convulsion.
CONVULSIVELYconvulsively adv. In a convulsive manner.
CONVULSIVE adv. constituting or producing a convulsion.
CONVULSIVENESSconvulsiveness n. The state or quality of being convulsive.
CONVULSIVE n. constituting or producing a convulsion.
OVERCULTIVATIONovercultivation n. Excessive cultivation.
OVERCULTIVATION n. excessively cultivation.
UNPROVOCATIVEunprovocative adj. Not provocative or stimulating.
UNPROVOCATIVE adj. not provocative.
VIVACIOUSvivacious adj. Lively and animated; full of life and energy.
vivacious adj. (Obsolete) Long-lived.
vivacious adj. (Rare) Difficult to kill.
VIVACIOUSLYvivaciously adv. In a vivacious manner.
VIVACIOUS adv. lively.
VIVACIOUSNESSvivaciousness n. The state of being vivacious; vivacity.
VIVACIOUSNESS n. the state of being vivacious.
VIVACIOUSNESSESVIVACIOUSNESS n. the state of being vivacious.
VIVISECTORIUMvivisectorium n. A place or laboratory where vivisection is performed.
VIVISECTORIUM n. a place for vivisection.
VIVISECTORIUMSVIVISECTORIUM n. a place for vivisection.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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