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There are 11 words containing C, E, J, L and 2S

JACKETLESSjacketless adj. Without a jacket (coat).
jacketless adj. Without a jacket (book cover).
JACKETLESS adj. without a jacket.
JACKSMELTSjacksmelts n. Plural of jacksmelt.
JACKSMELT n. a large fish of the Pacific coast of North America.
JUICELESSjuiceless adj. Without juice or sap.
juiceless adj. Dry, dull; lacking vivacity or spirit.
JUICELESS adj. without juice.
MAJESTICALNESSmajesticalness n. The quality of being majestical.
MAJESTICAL n. having majesty, also MAJESTIC.
MAJUSCULESmajuscules n. Plural of majuscule.
MAJUSCULE n. a capital or other large letter, esp. one used in ancient manuscripts.
OBJECTLESSobjectless adj. Without a purpose.
objectless adj. (Grammar) Without a grammatical object.
OBJECTLESS adj. having no object; purposeless.
OBJECTLESSNESSobjectlessness n. The state or condition of being objectless.
OBJECTLESS n. having no object; purposeless.
PREJUDICIALNESSprejudicialness n. The quality of being prejudicial.
PREJUDICIAL n. tending to injure or impair.
STEEPLEJACKSsteeplejacks n. Plural of steeplejack.
STEEPLEJACK n. a person who repairs steeples and high chimneys.
SUBJECTLESSsubjectless adj. Lacking a subject (citizen).
subjectless adj. Lacking a subject or theme.
subjectless adj. (Grammar) Lacking a grammatical subject.
SUPPLEJACKSsupplejacks n. Plural of supplejack.
SUPPLEJACK n. a woody climber with a tough pliant stem.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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