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There are 16 words containing C, E, H, M, S and X

ALEXIPHARMICSalexipharmics n. Plural of alexipharmic.
ALEXIPHARMIC n. an antidote to poison.
AUXOCHROMESauxochromes n. Plural of auxochrome.
AUXOCHROME n. a group of atoms that can be attached to a chromogen to convert it into a dye.
CHEMOTAXESchemotaxes n. Plural of chemotaxis.
CHEMOTAXIS n. orientation of an animalcule relative to a chemical substance.
CHEMOTAXISchemotaxis n. (Biology, biochemistry) The movement of a cell or an organism in response to a chemical stimulant.
CHEMOTAXIS n. orientation of an animalcule relative to a chemical substance.
CHEMOTAXISESCHEMOTAXIS n. orientation of an animalcule relative to a chemical substance.
CHEMOTAXONOMIESchemotaxonomies n. Plural of chemotaxonomy.
CHEMOTAXONOMY n. the classification of plants and animals based on similarities and differences in biochemical composition.
CHEMOTAXONOMISTchemotaxonomist n. One who studies chemotaxonomy.
CHEMOTAXONOMIST n. one who practises chemotaxonomy.
CHEMSEXchemsex n. (Sexuality) Sexual intercourse under the influence of recreational drugs.
CHEMSEX n. sexual activity performed while under the influence of psychoactive drugs.
CHEMSEXESCHEMSEX n. sexual activity performed while under the influence of psychoactive drugs.
CYCLOHEXIMIDEScycloheximides n. Plural of cycloheximide.
CYCLOHEXIMIDE n. an agricultural fungicide that inhibits protein synthesis and is obtained from a soil bacterium, Streptomyces griseus.
EXOTHERMICITIESexothermicities n. Plural of exothermicity.
EXOTHERMICITY n. the state of being exothermic.
HEXADECIMALShexadecimals n. Plural of hexadecimal.
HEXADECIMAL n. a number system with a base of 16.
MATCHBOXESmatchboxes n. Plural of matchbox.
MATCHBOX n. a small box.
METHOXYCHLORSMETHOXYCHLOR n. a relatively nontoxic organochlorine insecticide.
XENODOCHIUMSxenodochiums n. Plural of xenodochium.
XENODOCHIUM n. a building for the reception of strangers, e.g. a guesthouse in a monastery.
XYLOCHROMESxylochromes n. Plural of xylochrome.
XYLOCHROME n. a mixture of substances to which the colour of heartwood is due.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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