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There are 20 words containing 2C, F, M, S and U

CIRCUMFERENCEScircumferences n. Plural of circumference.
CIRCUMFERENCE n. the perimeter of a circle.
CIRCUMFERENTORScircumferentors n. Plural of circumferentor.
CIRCUMFERENTOR n. a surveyor's angle-measuring compass instrument.
CIRCUMFLECTScircumflects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumflect.
CIRCUMFLECT v. to bend round; to mark with a circumflex.
CIRCUMFLEXEScircumflexes n. Plural of circumflex.
CIRCUMFLEX n. a mark used over a vowel in certain languages or in phonetic keys to indicate quality of pronunciation.
CIRCUMFLEXIONScircumflexions n. Plural of circumflexion.
CIRCUMFLEXION n. a bending round.
CIRCUMFLUENCEScircumfluences n. Plural of circumfluence.
CIRCUMFLUENCE n. a flowing round.
CIRCUMFLUOUScircumfluous adj. Circumfluent.
CIRCUMFLUOUS adj. flowing around, also CIRCUMFLUENT.
CIRCUMFORANEOUScircumforaneous adj. Wandering from place to place or market to market.
circumforaneous adj. (By extension) Indirect, roundabout, or unnecessarily complex.
CIRCUMFORANEOUS adj. wandering about as from market to market, vagrant, also CIRCUMFORANEAN.
CIRCUMFUSEcircumfuse v. To pour round; to spread round, as a fluid.
circumfuse v. To spread round; to surround.
CIRCUMFUSE v. to pour around or about.
CIRCUMFUSEDcircumfused v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumfuse.
CIRCUMFUSE v. to pour around or about.
CIRCUMFUSEScircumfuses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumfuse.
CIRCUMFUSE v. to pour around or about.
CIRCUMFUSILEcircumfusile adj. (Nonce word) Capable of being poured or spread around.
CIRCUMFUSILE adj. molten; poured around or about.
CIRCUMFUSINGcircumfusing v. Present participle of circumfuse.
CIRCUMFUSE v. to pour around or about.
CIRCUMFUSIONcircumfusion n. Diffusion, suffusion.
CIRCUMFUSION n. the act of circumfusing, pouring around.
CIRCUMFUSIONScircumfusions n. Plural of circumfusion.
CIRCUMFUSION n. the act of circumfusing, pouring around.
CRUCIFORMScruciforms n. Plural of cruciform.
CRUCIFORM n. something cross-shaped.
MISCHANCEFULmischanceful adj. Unlucky.
MISCHANCEFUL adj. (archaic) full of mischance, unlucky.
MUNIFICENCESmunificences n. Plural of munificence.
MUNIFICENCE n. magnificent liberality in giving.
SACCULIFORMsacculiform adj. Shaped like a little sac.
SACCULIFORM adj. shaped like a small sac.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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