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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing C, P, 2R and 2S

PERCUSSORpercussor n. (Medicine) A small hammer-like tool that a physician uses to provide a light blow to a body part.
percussor n. (Medicine) A physician who provides light blow to a body part as a diagnostic technique.
percussor n. A hammerstone or similar tool used for smashing, or chipping.
PERISARCSperisarcs n. Plural of perisarc.
PERISARC n. a protective covering of certain hydrozoans.
PRECRISISprecrisis adj. Occurring before a period of crisis.
PRECRISIS adj. before a crisis.
PRECURSESprecurses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of precurse.
PRECURSE v. to foreshadow or be a precursor of, to herald.
PRESCORESprescores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prescore.
PRESCORE v. to record the sound before filming.
PROCESSERprocesser n. Someone who processes.
PROCESSER n. something that processes, also PROCESSOR.
PROCESSORprocessor n. A person or institution who processes things (Foods, photos, applications, etc.).
processor n. A device which processes, which changes something (A computer processor, food processor, etc.).
processor n. A central processing unit.
PROCURESSprocuress n. A middlewoman : a woman who performs as a go-between, an intermediary.
procuress n. A female procurer.
PROCURESS n. a female procurer, or pander.
REPERCUSSrepercuss v. (Transitive) To drive or beat back.
repercuss v. (Transitive, by extension) To reflect; to reverberate.
REPERCUSS v. to reverberate, have consequences.
REPROCESSreprocess v. To process again.
REPROCESS v. to process again.
RESCRIPTSrescripts n. Plural of rescript.
RESCRIPT v. to issue a papal edict or decree.
SCRAPPERSscrappers n. Plural of scrapper.
SCRAPPER n. a fighter.
SCRIMPERSscrimpers n. Plural of scrimper.
SCRIMPER n. one who scrimps.
SCRIPTERSscripters n. Plural of scripter.
SCRIPTER n. one who scripts.
SCRUPLERSscruplers n. Plural of scrupler.
SCRUPLER n. one who has scruples.
SUPERCARSsupercars n. Plural of supercar.
SUPERCAR n. a very big or fast car.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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