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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing C, H, N, P, R and S

CANEPHORScanephors n. Plural of canephor.
CANEPHOR n. (Greek) a sculpted figure carrying a basket on the head, also CANEPHORA, CANEPHORE, CANEPHORUS.
CARPHONEScarphones n. Plural of carphone.
car-phones n. Plural of car-phone.
car␣phones n. Alternative form of carphones plural of car phone.
CHAPERONSchaperons n. Plural of chaperon.
chaperons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chaperon.
CHAPERON v. (French) to accompany and supervise.
CHINSTRAPchinstrap n. A strip of leather or material used to fasten a hat or helmet under the chin.
chinstrap n. A form of beard that follows the jawline but does not cover the rest of the chin.
chinstrap n. A band of colour below a bird’s mouth, resembling the chinstrap of a helmet.
CHIRPINGSchirpings n. Plural of chirping.
CHIRPING n. a sound made by birds.
ENCIPHERSenciphers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of encipher.
ENCIPHER v. to write in a secret code.
PENTARCHSpentarchs n. Plural of pentarch.
PENTARCH n. a member of a pentarchy, government by five persons.
PERCHINGSperchings n. Plural of perching.
PERCHING n. a method of softening leather.
PINSCHERSpinschers n. Plural of pinscher.
PINSCHER n. (German) a breed of large dog.
PRECHOSENprechosen adj. Chosen in advance.
PRECHOOSE v. to choose beforehand.
SCARPHINGscarphing v. Present participle of scarph.
SCARPH v. in carpentry, to unite by means of a type of joint, also SCARF.
SCHNAPPERschnapper n. An Australasian fish, Chrysophrys guttulatus or C. auratus; the porgy or snapper.
SCHNAPPER n. an Australian food-fish, also SNAPPER.
SPHINCTERsphincter n. (Anatomy) A ringlike band of muscle that surrounds a bodily opening (such as the anus or the openings…
SPHINCTER n. a ringlike muscle whose contraction narrows or shuts an orifice, e.g. the anus.
UNCIPHERSunciphers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncipher.
UNCIPHER v. (obsolete) to decipher.
UNPERCHESunperches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unperch.
UNPERCH v. to drive from a perch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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