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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing C, H, M, N, O and T

ANTIMACHOantimacho adj. Opposing what is macho.
ANTIMACHO adj. opposed to being macho.
CHROMATINchromatin n. (Biology) A complex of DNA, RNA and proteins within the cell nucleus out of which chromosomes condense…
CHROMATIN n. a protein/DNA complex making the chromosome.
CORNMOTHSCORNMOTH n. a moth of the clothes-moth genus.
HOMOTONIChomotonic adj. (Phonetics) Of the same tone.
homotonic adj. (Biology, rare) Of uniform tension or tonicity.
HOMOTONIC adj. of the same tenor or tone, also HOMOTONOUS.
MACINTOSHmacintosh n. (Britain) A raincoat.
Macintosh prop.n. A Scottish surname from Scottish Gaelic.
Macintosh n. (Computing) A brand of personal computer manufactured by Apple Inc.
METARCHONMETARCHON n. a nontoxic substance, such as a chemical to mask pheromones, that reduces the persistence of a pest.
METHANOICmethanoic adj. Of or pertaining to methanoic acid or its derivatives; formic.
METHANOIC adj. as in methanoic acid, formic acid.
MONACHISTmonachist adj. Synonym of monastic.
monachist n. A monk, especially one who was part of the religious reform movement of the fourth century.
MONACHIST n. an adherent of monachism.
MONOPITCHmonopitch n. The use of a single pitch (sound frequency); lack of pitch variation.
monopitch n. (Architecture) Sloping in one direction only.
MONOPITCH n. a monotone.
MONOSTICHmonostich n. A poem having only one line.
MONOSTICH n. a composition consisting of one verse only.
MONOTROCHmonotroch n. A wheelbarrow or other one-wheeled vehicle.
MONOTROCH n. (Scott) a wheelbarrow.
THEOMANCYtheomancy n. (Historical) A kind of divination drawn from the responses of oracles.
THEOMANCY n. divination by means of oracles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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