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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing C, G, H, N, O and T

BLOTCHINGblotching v. Present participle of blotch.
blotching n. The situation of having blotches; blotchiness.
BLOTCHING n. a pattern of large spots.
BOTCHINGSBOTCHING n. the act of botching.
CHORTLINGchortling v. Present participle of chortle.
chortling n. The act of giving a chortle.
CHORTLE v. to chuckle with glee.
CLOTHINGSclothings n. Plural of clothing.
CLOTHING n. clothes, garments.
COHOSTINGcohosting v. Present participle of cohost.
co-hosting v. Present participle of co-host.
COHOST v. to host jointly.
COOTCHINGCOOTCH v. (Welsh) to hide, to cuddle up, also CWTCH.
GNATHONICgnathonic adj. (Obsolete) Deceitful; flattering.
GNATHONIC adj. (obsolete) flattering, also GNATHONICAL.
HECTORINGhectoring adj. That hectors; intimidating or domineering.
hectoring v. Present participle of hector.
hectoring n. The act of one who hectors, or acts blusteringly.
HOATCHINGhoatching adj. (Scotland, usually followed by with) Infested; swarming; teeming.
HOATCHING adj. (Scots) infested, swarming e.g. with flies.
LONGCLOTHlongcloth n. (Obsolete) A kind of plain cotton cloth originally made in long pieces, and often made in India.
LONGCLOTH n. a cotton made in long pieces.
NEOGOTHICneogothic adj. (Architecture, literature) Alternative form of neo-Gothic.
neogothic adj. Of or relating to the neogoth subculture.
Neogothic adj. (Architecture, literature) Alternative form of neogothic.
NOTCHINGSnotchings n. Plural of notching.
NOTCHING n. a method of joining timbers, by fitting into a groove or grooves.
SCOTCHINGscotching v. Present participle of scotch.
SCOTCH v. to frustrate, put an end to.
THEOGONICtheogonic adj. Of or relating to theogony.
THEOGONIC adj. accounting for the origin or presence of gods, also THEOGONICAL.
TOCHERINGtochering v. Present participle of tocher.
TOCHER v. (Gaelic) to dower.
TORCHINGStorchings n. Plural of torching.
TORCHING n. the act of setting alight.
TOUCHINGStouchings n. Plural of touching.
TOUCHING n. the act of touching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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