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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing C, 2G, I, N and S

CAGELINGScagelings n. Plural of cageling.
CAGELING n. a caged bird.
CHARGINGSchargings n. Plural of charging.
CHARGING n. the act of making a charge.
CHUGGINGSchuggings n. Plural of chugging.
CHUGGING n. the act of soliciting for charity in the street.
CLANGINGSclangings n. Plural of clanging.
CLANGING n. the noise of a clang.
CLOGGINGScloggings n. Plural of clogging.
CLOGGING n. the act of clogging.
COGNISINGcognising v. Present participle of cognise.
cognising n. An act of cognition.
COGNISE v. to become aware, also COGNIZE.
COSIGNINGcosigning v. Present participle of cosign.
co-signing v. Present participle of co-sign.
COSIGN v. to sign jointly.
COUGHINGScoughings n. Plural of coughing.
COUGHING n. the act of giving a cough.
CRINGINGScringings n. Plural of cringing.
CRINGING n. acting in a servile way.
DISCAGINGdiscaging v. Present participle of discage.
DISCAGE v. to free from a cage.
GLANCINGSglancings n. Plural of glancing.
GLANCING n. the act of glancing.
GRECISINGGrecising v. Present participle of Grecise.
GRECISE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECIZE, GRAECIZE, GRAECISE.
SACKAGINGSACKAGE v. to sack or plunder.
SCAVAGINGscavaging v. Present participle of scavage.
SCAVAGE v. to scavenge.
SCOURGINGscourging v. Present participle of scourge.
scourging n. A beating with a scourge; a flogging.
SCOURGING n. a flogging.
SCRAGGINGscragging v. Present participle of scrag.
SCRAG v. to wring the neck of.
SCROGGINSScroggins prop.n. Plural of Scroggin.
SCROGGIN n. (New Zealand) a tramp's homemade high-calorie sweetmeat.
SCROOGINGscrooging v. Present participle of scrooge.
SCROOGE v. to crowd; to squeeze, also SCROUGE, SCROWDGE, SCRUZE.
SCROUGINGscrouging v. Present participle of scrouge.
SCROUGE v. to crowd; to squeeze, also SCROOGE, SCROWDGE, SCRUZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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