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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing C, F, L, R, S and U

CRATEFULScratefuls n. Plural of crateful.
CRATEFUL n. the contents of a crate.
CROPFULLSCROPFULL n. as much as a bird's crop can hold, also CROPFUL.
FLOSCULARfloscular adj. Flosculous.
FLOSCULAR adj. composed of floscules, florets, also FLOSCULOUS.
FLUORESCEfluoresce v. (Intransitive, physics) To emit electromagnetic radiation, especially visible light, when absorbing…
fluoresce v. (Intransitive) Of colours, to be very bright; to be so bright as to appear to radiate as a light source.
FLUORESCE v. to demonstrate fluorescence.
FURUNCLESfuruncles n. Plural of furuncle.
FURUNCLE n. a painful swelling of the skin.
SAUCERFULsaucerful n. As much as a saucer will hold.
saucerful n. The contents of a saucer.
SAUCERFUL n. the contents of a saucer.
SCREENFULscreenful n. As much as fits on a screen.
SCREENFUL n. the contents of a screen.
SCROFULASscrofulas n. Plural of scrofula.
SCROFULA n. (Latin) tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, esp. in the neck, giving rise to abscesses.
SCRUFFILYscruffily adv. In a scruffy way.
SCRUFFY adv. untidy, dirty.
SCUFFLERSscufflers n. Plural of scuffler.
SCUFFLER n. one who scuffles.
SOURCEFULSOURCEFUL adj. offering useful things.
SURFICIALsurficial adj. Of or pertaining to the surface of something, particularly the surface of the Earth.
SURFICIAL adj. superficial, found on the surface.
TRUCKFULStruckfuls n. Plural of truckful.
TRUCKFUL n. as much as a truck can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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