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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing C, F, I, M, R and U

CAULIFORMcauliform adj. Having the form of a caulis.
CAULIFORM adj. shaped like or resembling a stem.
COMFITUREcomfiture n. (Obsolete) A confection, especially of preserved fruit.
COMFITURE n. (obsolete) conserve, preserved fruit, also CONFITURE.
CRUCIFORMcruciform adj. Having the shape of a cross.
cruciform n. (Genetics) A cross shape in DNA; a Holliday junction.
cruciform n. Any emblem in the shape of a cross.
CUNEIFORMcuneiform adj. Having the form of a wedge; wedge-shaped, especially with a tapered end.
cuneiform adj. Written in the cuneiform writing system.
cuneiform n. An ancient Mesopotamian writing system, adapted within several language families, originating as pictograms…
CUNIFORMScuniforms n. Plural of cuniform.
CUNIFORM n. a wedge-shaped script, also CUNEIFORM.
CURVIFORMcurviform adj. Having a curved shape.
CURVIFORM adj. curving.
ERUCIFORMeruciform adj. Shaped like a caterpillar.
ERUCIFORM adj. like a caterpillar.
FORMULAICformulaic adj. Closely following a formula or predictable pattern; imitative, not original.
FORMULAIC adj. of the nature of a formula.
FRANCIUMSfranciums n. Plural of francium.
FRANCIUM n. a radioactive element.
FUMAROLICfumarolic adj. Of or relating to a fumarole or fumaroles.
FUMAROLIC adj. of or like a fumarole, a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue.
SCUTIFORMscutiform adj. Having the shape of a shield; scutate.
scutiform n. (Archaeology) A symbol that is shaped like a shield.
SCUTIFORM adj. shield-shaped.
UNCIFORMSunciforms n. Plural of unciform.
UNCIFORM n. a bone of the wrist.
UNCOMFIERUNCOMFY adj. (colloquial) not comfortable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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