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There are 17 nine-letter words containing C, E, I, L and 2P

APPLIANCEappliance n. An implement, an instrument or apparatus designed (or at least used) as a means to a specific end, especially…
appliance n. (Obsolete) The act of applying.
appliance n. (Obsolete) A means of eliminating or counteracting something undesirable, especially an illness.
APPLICATEapplicate n. An applied material; an application.
applicate n. (Mathematics) A line at right angles to the axis of a conic section that extends from the axis to the curve.
applicate n. (Mathematics) The z-coordinate, similar to abscissa and ordinate for the x- and y-coordinates, respectively.
CHIPPABLEchippable adj. Capable of being removed by chipping.
CHIPPABLE adj. capable of being chipped.
CLIPPABLEclippable adj. Capable of being clipped.
CLIPPABLE adj. that can be clipped.
CRIPPLERScripplers n. Plural of crippler.
CRIPPLER n. one that cripples; (slang) something astonishingly good.
EPILEPTICepileptic adj. Of or relating to epilepsy.
epileptic adj. Of or relating to an epileptic or epileptics (epileptic people).
epileptic n. (Dated sense, derogatory) A person who has epilepsy.
EPISCOPALepiscopal adj. Of or relating to the affairs of a bishop in various Christian churches.
Episcopal adj. Of or relating to Anglicanism or an Anglican church, especially the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Episcopal…
Episcopal n. (Nonstandard) An adherent of an Anglican church, especially the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Episcopal…
INCLIPPEDINCLIP v. (archaic) to clasp; to inclose.
PAPERCLIPpaperclip n. Alternative spelling of paper clip.
paperclip v. To fasten with a paper clip.
paper␣clip n. A small, folded, wire or plastic device used to hold sheets of paper together.
PERICOPALpericopal adj. Of or relating to a pericope.
PERICOPAL adj. relating to a pericope, an excerpt or passage read during religious services, also PERICOPIC.
PIPECLAYSpipeclays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pipeclay.
PIPECLAY v. to whiten with pipeclay.
PITCHPOLEpitchpole v. (Of a boat) To capsize end over end, as in heavy surf.
PITCHPOLE v. to turn end over end.
POLYPNEICpolypneic adj. Relating to polypnea.
POLYPNEIC adj. relating to polypnea, very rapid breathing.
POPSICLESpopsicles n. Plural of popsicle.
Popsicles n. Plural of Popsicle.
POPSICLE n. flavored and colored water frozen on a stick.
PRINCIPLEprinciple n. A fundamental assumption or guiding belief.
principle n. A rule used to choose among solutions to a problem.
principle n. (Sometimes pluralized) Moral rule or aspect.
PROLEPTICproleptic adj. Of a calendar, extrapolated to dates prior to its first adoption; of those used to adjust to or from…
proleptic adj. Of an event, assigned a date that is too early.
proleptic adj. (Rhetoric) Anticipating and answering objections before they have been raised; procataleptic.
UNCLIPPEDunclipped adj. Not clipped.
unclipped adj. (Informal) uncircumcised.
unclipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unclip.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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