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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing C, E, H, 2P and T

CHIPPIESTchippiest adj. Superlative form of chippy: most chippy.
CHIPPY adj. belligerent.
CHOPPIESTchoppiest adj. Superlative form of choppy: most choppy.
CHOPPY adj. full of irregular waves.
EPIPHYTICepiphytic adj. (Biology, botany) Of or pertaining to an epiphyte.
epiphytic n. Synonym of epiphyte.
EPIPHYTIC adj. of or like an epiphyte, also EPIPHYTAL, EPIPHYTICAL.
EPITAPHICepitaphic adj. Pertaining to an epitaph.
epitaphic n. (Rare) An epitaph.
EPITAPHIC adj. pertaining to an epitaph, also EPITAPHIAL, EPITAPHIAN.
PITCHPINEpitchpine n. Alternative form of pitch pine.
pitch␣pine n. Pinus rigida, of the eastern US.
pitch␣pine n. Any of various pine trees from which pitch can be obtained, or which have very resinous wood, including…
PITCHPIPEpitchpipe n. (Music) A small pipe used to set the pitch for an instrument, song etc.
pitch␣pipe n. (Music) A device much like a harmonica, used to supply a sought pitch.
PITCHPIPE n. a small pipe used to pitch the voice or tune strings.
PITCHPOLEpitchpole v. (Of a boat) To capsize end over end, as in heavy surf.
PITCHPOLE v. to turn end over end.
PROPHETICprophetic adj. Having the ability to prophesize; prescient.
prophetic adj. Of, or relating to a prophecy or a prophet.
prophetic adj. Predicted, as by a prophecy.
PSEPHITICpsephitic adj. Of or relating to psephite.
PSEPHITIC adj. of or relating to pebbles.
SCHTUPPEDschtupped v. Simple past tense and past participle of schtup.
SCHTUP v. (Yiddish) to have sexual intercourse with, also SHTUP.
TECHNOPOPtechnopop n. (Music) An early synthpop genre with a cold, robotic sound.
TECHNOPOP n. pop music featuring synthesisers and other technological equipment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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